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When things were up he was up, when they were down he was nowhere to be found… the woes of RyanAir and Michael O’Leary… July 28, 2008

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Had to smile watching RTÉ News this evening, for although the news that RyanAir faces a €60 million loss over a ‘mistake’ in forecasting fuel prices (at a time when other airlines were managing to make some fairly rational estimates of their needs) allowed an unusually critical story to lead, strangely one figure was absent from proceedings. Step back into an unaccustomed media shadow Michael O’Leary, allowing what appeared to be his subordinate to take the limelight. How odd…


1. Ian - July 28, 2008

The Ryanair business model is like a castle built on foundations made of sand. While all those ‘analysts’ on the news crow about how O’Leary messed up by not hedging the oil supplies, not one of them mentioned how the era of low-fare airlines are presumably numbered. Even if they hedge their oil needs, as the price goes up their fares will do too. Not to mention the whole climate change issue.


2. WorldbyStorm - July 28, 2008

Completely agree. Although it’s refreshing (on one level) to hear even some criticism of RA and MOL. makes a change.


3. crocodile - July 28, 2008

Of course,when the underling in question was asked if this blunder at the top would mean the rolling of management heads, he said that wouldn’t happen. There’ll be job losses lower down, though, and a pay freeze ie cut. Once again, Ryanair epitomises the Celtic Tiger in general.


4. WorldbyStorm - July 29, 2008

Yep, absolutely right. That’s an interesting comparison. I don’t think M OL will go hungry this winter… or cold.

But his reputation will have taken a dent, and that’s no bad thing.


5. ejh - July 29, 2008

I’m still waiting for a reply to the fax of complaint I sent them in April.


6. WorldbyStorm - July 29, 2008

For shame. Passenger (I mean customer) service, all gone…
Incidentally isn’t there some legal framework which they’ve breached by not getting back to you?


7. ejh - July 29, 2008

Quite likely, but in order to do anything about it I would presumably have to breach the framework of having no money and being hundreds of miles away.

And how would I get there? Well, I’d have to travel by…


8. WorldbyStorm - July 29, 2008

I take your point… What about overland?


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