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Those deficit projections… December 5, 2012

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Economy, Irish Politics, Uncategorized.

Only was able to briefly stop by the protest this evening, there was already a vociferous SF presence. But as to the Budget itself, well, this tends to stand out from Michael Noonan’s speech…

These deficit projections are based on projected economic growth for GDP in 2013 of 1.5 per cent, rising to 2.5 per cent in 2014 and 2.9 per cent in 2015, as published in the Medium-Term Fiscal Statement three weeks ago.


1. sonofstan - December 5, 2012

Stephen Donnelly pulled him up on that, pointing out that GDP is irrelevant in our kind of economy – since all the growth comes from MNCs whose profits contribute nothing to the country. Worryingly, there was nothing in Donnelly’s speech I disagreed with.


WorldbyStorm - December 5, 2012

Donnelly can be very good on the analysis. Thank God someone pulled him up on that. but if that’s the level of thinking in the Budget we’re rightly up the creek without a paddle.


sonofstan - December 5, 2012

He spoke between RBB and Pringle, and then Daly; and while all of those were good on indignation and CD particularly withering, Donnelly actually scored direct hits on the incoherence of the budget.


WorldbyStorm - December 5, 2012

CD has a great line in that sort of critique… Excellent. But the forensic approach is vital., isn’t it?


cai - December 6, 2012

Donnelly might be on the right but i’d prefer him to be an opponent that a FG or FF gom. Better someone who may be on a differing track but who genuinely is concerned about the good of the country.


2. Global Corruption Index For 2012 – Ireland Falls Six Places | An Sionnach Fionn - December 6, 2012

[…] those who believe that the EU-dictated austerity budgets in Ireland are just about economics think again. Greece has plummeted fourteen places in the […]


3. A ‘hard road to a better future’? Er… no. « The Cedar Lounge Revolution - December 6, 2012

[…] fairy invoked time and again to deliver the message that Big Rock Candy Mountain lies ahead – though already some of the figures look shaky, to put it mildly, and there’ll be more. But saying it’s all going to be alright won’t make it […]


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