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Too close to home? November 12, 2017

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Here’s a thought provoking piece from Newsweek, and thanks to BH for the pointer to it… It examines the question as to why some of the leading voices of the right in the US are Irish American.

Well worth a read (and check out the comments too).This was striking too:

Buchanan, O’Reilly, Hannity, Bannon—none has any connection to Ireland or organized Irish-American life. They are conspicuously absent from the pro-Sinn Fein milieu of the Irish Echo , or even the Ancient Order of Hibernians. I doubt whether any of them would recognize Gerry Adams if they ran into him.


1. EWI - November 12, 2017

There’s two things at play here: Trump’s isolation from the WASP establishment of the GOP, and the experienced apparatchiks therein; and a wave of assimilationist Irish Americans (RC) who have dumped traditional ties and allegiances in favour of their ambitions (which clearly exceed their talents for the vast majority of said group).


2. CL - November 12, 2017

““My Irish American background has a lot to do with my work, both in terms of the values that I was raised with — that we’ll be judged by how we treat the least among us — and that the rich man is basically up to no good,” says Michael Moore.


3. GearóidGaillimh - November 12, 2017

That’s an interesting comment quoted. While a dutiful Catholic, McCarthy wasn’t particularly interested in his Irishness or his Catholicism either. I touched on this recently http://www.jstor.org/stable/90014539?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

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GearóidGaillimh - November 12, 2017

Interested isn’t perhaps the best term, but he didn’t overplay his background and it wasn’t central to his politics.


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