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Podcast -The Democratic Socialist Party January 27, 2021

Posted by irishelectionliterature in Uncategorized.

Latest Episode covering The Democratic Socialist Party


1. NFB - January 27, 2021

I was never really aware too much of Kemmy when he was alive (I was nine when he died) but he remains a beloved figure in large parts of Limerick, in the manner of Tony Gregory I would say. He did a lot for the cultural life of the city. The Old Limerick Journal that he founded in the late 70’s is still going: http://www.limerickcity.ie/Library/LocalStudies/BooksJournals/TheOldLimerickJournal/

The museum that used to be named after him and is now just dedicated to him is a good place to while away an hour or two, though I haven’t been there in a bit. I will try and make it back when I am able to.

My parents, trade unionists both, always spoke very highly about him. My mother especially always seemed to admire that stand on childrens shoes, though I note Garret Fitzgerald later maintained this was nonsense in terms of being Kemmy’s main point of contention.

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NFB - January 27, 2021

Another good episode by the way!

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NFB - January 27, 2021

One last post: here’s a print from that journal, of the oration spoken at Kemmy’s funeral: http://www.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,4107,en.pdf


terrymdunne - January 27, 2021

. . . and unlike some local history journals that are members/subscribers-only you’ll find the Old Limerick Journal in the newsagents and in format/design it is not pretending to be an academic journal but is aiming at a magazine-style – i.e. it looks like the sort of thing one would pick up for a casual read. Content wise there is a fair bit of social/labour history there too. Especially in the 1980s when it didn’t even seem to matter whether the topic was anything to do with Limerick or not! Great that the library has these digitized and on-line.

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2. WorldbyStorm - January 27, 2021

Very good podcast IEL. And the point at the end about the impact of the former DSP folk on Labour is very well made (indeed another few went into DL at its formation too).

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roddy - January 27, 2021

Jim would be regarded somewhat differently in these parts.


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