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Spooks and Israel… October 23, 2006

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Film and Television, Islam, Israel, Middle East, Terrorism, The War On Terror.

Okay, not to flog a dead horse, and in keeping with the MI5/6 tone of this evenings post, the latest installment of Spooks on BBC1 had a marvelously convoluted plot involving the takeover of a Saudi Trade Centre in London by what appeared to be Al-Queda terrorist who turned out to be Mossad assets attempting to prevent the sale of nuclear technologies to the Saudis.

Satisfyingly bloody as it all was, and entertaining, with – ahem – some interesting thoughts about the woes of the Middle East, one does have to ask if the final scene with the head Mossad agent was absolutely necessary. He had survived the inevitable shoot out at the Trade Centre only to be captured by the Security Service. But since he couldn’t break cover he couldn’t admit to his true identity and was therefore treated as an AQ member.

The concluding scene  showed him clad in an orange boiler suit in a truck arriving at Camp X-Ray.

Makes you think, doesn’t it?


1. Pidge - October 24, 2006

Pah! That’s like, omigod, sooo last week. Mossad are involved in next week’s episode too.

That last scene could have been left out, however. It didn’t really serve much of a purpose.


2. WorldbyStorm - October 24, 2006

Mossad again? A follow up to last weeks episode and the week before?

I was being facetious about the last scene, it was Godawful, the sort of ‘sounds like a good idea’ after ten pints thing…

Mind you a fairly brave and evenhanded piece of television – and notable how the writers couldn’t quite contain their admiration for Mossad…


3. JC Skinner - October 25, 2006

Would love to see some of Mossad get their Gitmo tickets in real life, to be honest.
Anyhow, I’ve little doubt that there are double agents inside Gitmo already. Just more likely to be Pakistani intelligence reporting to the US than Mossad.


4. WorldbyStorm - October 25, 2006

Perhaps. One of the interesting elements of the programme was the only slightly hedged admiration of the writers for Mossad, I think because of the concept of the Israeli state moving heaven and earth to secure captured soldiers.

Still it was brave TV with neither side emerging in much of a good light…


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