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Irish Election and the Blog Awards… March 3, 2008

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Blogging.

News has come to us of a well deserved win for Irish Election as best political blog. For myself I found it absolutely invaluable during the election (albeit on the day of the count I wound up in the Teachers Club on Parnell Square multitasking by drinking pints, periodically checking out the news from next door where Cián and Simon had established a ground control for Irish political blogging and keeping a weather eye on the RTÉ coverage! The death of the Left, indeed.).

And it’s also worth noting their generosity in providing a platform for many other bloggers to put up material, something which has sustained it through the pre and post-election period. One other point. That they have a somewhat divergent political direction in terms of their identifications on the political spectrum has been no harm at all.

Anyhow, I have almost no other news from the Awards which neither I nor my comrades from here attended due to our paranoid and excessive need to keep our identities secret! I’m kidding. But from what reports are filtering through it sounded pretty good.


1. John - March 3, 2008

C&S was making up the numbers in the Best Group Blog shortlist but I turned up anyway to meet friends. Hoped you might be there but figured you guys aren’t into blogging for the sake of awards any more than we are. See you at the Fall gig instead.


2. Eagle - March 3, 2008

What? You mean CLR didn’t win? I was sure you were going to win that award. Did you request a recount? What did the tallymen have to say during the count? Any large batch of spoiled votes?

I’m devastated for you.


3. WorldbyStorm - March 3, 2008

Thanks Eagle, your kind words are a source of comfort and consolation 😉

John, the info on the shortlists was so widely distributed across various sites I sort of gave up looking… that’s great that you guys were nominated. Well-deserved recognition.

Don’t know if I’ll make it to the Fall due to various issues. That’s the 16th isn’t it? I should ask where exactly are you based?


4. joemomma - March 3, 2008

Another whitewash. The whole thing’s political, I tell you.


5. WorldbyStorm - March 3, 2008

Yes… and always has been… 🙂


6. simon - March 4, 2008

i have to agree with eagle. Fix i tell you fix 🙂 Seriously ye rock if only you had some decent ideas like lowering tax 🙂


7. chekov - March 4, 2008

“i have to agree with eagle. Fix i tell you fix 🙂 Seriously ye rock if only you had some decent ideas like lowering tax :)”

Don’t tempt them dude. It’s as much as I can do to stop them jiving at the crossroads to “yes we can”.


8. Maman Poulet - March 4, 2008

Missed seeing you at the awards! Would have done blogger identity protection programme for ye..(BIPP – how cool is that…ok forgive me it’s nearly 2am)


9. WorldbyStorm - March 4, 2008

Congratulations to you too MP. Also very well deserved…

I should add that while I like the idea of a BIPP it makes us sound mysterious and important when the dull truth is that we’re banal and unimportant… 🙂


10. Cian - March 4, 2008

many thanks for the post, its all of the bloggers who blog there but I was hoping you would win it this year. CLR has been phenomenal in terms of output and regularity never erring to pick up important points and a perspective sadly missingg in so much of our other media.
banal and unimportant
not a bit of it.


11. WorldbyStorm - March 4, 2008

No, no, that’s us as personalities!!! I’m sure smiffy, franklittle, joemomma and our other contributors will agree

Cheers though Cian.


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