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‘Housing for Need not Greed; Tenants First Action Plan for Sustaining Homes and Communities’ April 25, 2009

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Campaigns, Housing.

‘Housing for Need not Greed;

Tenants First Action Plan for Sustaining Homes and Communities’


Monday May 11th (10am to 1pm)

Liberty Hall (SIPTU buildings), Dublin 1

10am: Outline of policy document for the regeneration of, and building and sustaining communities and homes. Speaker: Brian Dillon (Nexus and Tenants’ First)

10.30am: Social housing and communities: Anne Speed, (Head of Equality and Campaigning, SIPTU)

10.45am: Fr. Pat Cogan (Managing Director, Respond! Voluntary Housing Association)

11am: Action for local communities and community organisations on new policy and cut-backs in community services. John Bissett (author of Regeneration: Public Good or Private Profit) & Rory Hearne (Regeneration Worker Dolphin House)

11.30-1pm Open discussion and summary

Read the Tenants First policy document see: www.stmichaelsestate.ie or www.dicp.ie For more information contact: tenantsfirst365@yahoo.ie or C/O: Dublin Inner City Partnership, 16-17 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 7, 01 8721321. Tenants First is a network that brings together people who are working on and involved in public housing issues in their local communities. It is made up of representatives from local authority tenants associations and anti-poverty groups working locally with tenants.

Thanks to John O’Neill of the ISN for forwarding this.


1. EWI - April 25, 2009

Honest question, no snark – what’s a “regeneration worker”…?

(And yes, I know who Rory Hearne is)


2. WorldbyStorm - April 26, 2009

I could guess… 🙂


3. Starkadder - April 26, 2009

Test Post.


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