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Reality TV casts of the World Unite! June 4, 2009

Posted by Garibaldy in Labour relations, Television Shows.

French workers are famous throughout the world for their determined assertion and defence of their rights. A large part of the Francopohbia seen in the British press at regular intervals is due to hostility to this very fact. So it is with particular glee that I read today (in one of Murdoch’s papers) that people who appear on French reality TV have won employment rights.

Maître Damien Celice, a lawyer for TF1, had warned the supreme court during the hearing that “there would be no more reality TV in France” if the contestants were given work contracts.

With Big Brother about to kick off on Channel 4 for its tenth season, I think I might move to France.


1. WorldbyStorm - June 4, 2009

Brilliant… 🙂


2. smiffy - June 4, 2009

Fantastic, especially this:

“The supreme court upheld the lower tribunal judgment, which said: “Tempting a person of the opposite sex requires concentration and attention.””

I was wondering what I was doing wrong. Perhaps I should outsource seduction to the more efficient private sector.


3. Garibaldy - June 4, 2009

What is the equivalent of toxic debt in private sector seduction? I suspect it involves a trip to the clinic.


4. tosser - June 4, 2009

Marcus is my favourite. He’s like a real life Wolverine.


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