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Another Book on Trotsky Reviewed October 20, 2009

Posted by Garibaldy in History, Trotskyism.

Following on from the thread on Robert Service’s biography, I thought I’d draw people’s attention to Mick Hall’s review of Bertrand Patenaude’s book on Trotsky’s last years.


1. Fred Johnston - October 21, 2009

I think ‘Garibaldy’ means ‘Garibaldi.’ I hope. ‘Garibaldy’ sounds like a housing estate.


2. Baku26 - October 21, 2009

No, very definately Garibaldy I think.


3. Baku26 - October 21, 2009

Sorry “definitely” the hazards of typing at speed!


4. Starkadder - October 22, 2009

I’ve just started on the “Lost Revolution”. I skipped ahead to look
at the bits about Harris, and there’s a bit where someone
recalled Eoghan screaming about “f*cking Trots”.

With enemies like that, you reckon old Leon,for his many
flaws, must have had something in him that riled up a
certain type of authoritarian (isn’t George Galloway
always whinging about “Trots” as well?).


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