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Fore! January 9, 2011

Posted by irishelectionliterature in Business, Capitalism, Crime, Fianna Fáil.
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*photo from irishpublishingnews.com

I happened to read the “revelations” in today’s Sunday Times that a few months before the Bank Guarantee Brian Cowen had a game of Golf and dinner with Seanie at Druids Glen. All at the behest of Anglo who invited Mr Cowen. Seanie, who tells all in his ‘Fitzpatrick Tapes’ book also reveals an earlier phone call to Mr Cowen.
Was I shocked?
(although I was amused to find that Caoimhín O’Caoláin (attending a wedding) bumped into the lads and asked Mr Cowen to join him in meeting the Wedding Party)

Of course Anglo or anything else along those lines wasn’t discussed during the golf or the dinner.

Then from something interesting about the nationally ruinous ties at the top of Irish Society we get to the main bulk of the headline article and the two page spread inside.
We find too that poor Seanie was

“one of the biggest victims” of the banking crisis, having “lost money as well”.

Seanie went on to complain

“My whole Social Circle has diminished”

I’ll stop quoting Seanie, as I’m sure at this stage, that there isn’t a dry eye in the house.

RTE now have the story of the phone call, dinner and game of Golf and the political reaction.

Poor Dan Boyle

has said that his party views the substance of the article ‘very seriously’ and it is ‘concerned’ about the details revealed in it. Mr Boyle said the Green Party is today seeking explanations about the meetings between Mr Cowen and Mr FitzPatrick.

Joan Burton says that

‘It is surely beyond belief that there was no discussion at these encounters of the rapidly deteriorating position of the bank.

The question arises …. is this an issue the Greens could hurry their exit over?
That they weren’t aware of these meetings and were duped over the Bank Guarantee…. or is it all too late.


1. sonofstan - January 9, 2011

Asked why the Green Party were concerned about today’s revelations, Mr Ó Cuiv said that Senator Dan Boyle tended to be concerned about everything.

Credit where due etc.

That’s actually quite funny, from an unlikely source.


2. WorldbyStorm - January 9, 2011

IELB, I take your last point, but really at this stage why should that hurry them along more so than anything else we’ve seen or heard over the past while?


irishelectionliterature - January 9, 2011

It was kind of tongue in cheek, but surely they have to have some ‘betrayal’ to exit government on (no matter how dubious). Not that it will wash with voters but Fitzpatrick and Anglo are so politically toxic that the Greens membership may say ‘enoughs enough’… again unlikely.

Its been pointed out here before but their exit strategy has to be one of the worst ever, mirroring their shocking performance in government.


Pope Epopt - January 9, 2011

I’ve said it before, but the sprouts think that the Climate Change Bill is their gift to posterity.

Even if all the Parliamentary FF party are revealed to be practicing cannibalistic satanists with Youtube videos of Harney tucking into new born babies, they will still be able to dangle that carrot in front of the brassicas and choose any election time they wish in next 4 to 5 months.


Pope Epopt - January 9, 2011

Not that I have anything against satanists, I hasten to add.


3. Chet Carter - January 9, 2011

It seems that most major decisions on running the Capitalist system are made on golf courses.


4. Mr Cowen confirmed he played golf and dined with Mr FitzPatrick | Machholz's Blog - January 9, 2011

[…] Fore! (cedarlounge.wordpress.com) […]


5. Blissett - January 10, 2011

They should go, this is there chance, a new revelation, a small if possibly innaccurate bounce in the polls, this may be a chance to salvage something. If i was them, i would jump now. Last chance saloon. Might be the difference of getting sargent/ryan in or not doing so.


6. Let’s further refresh our memories about Sean Fitzpatrick and Brian Cowen… « The Cedar Lounge Revolution - January 10, 2011

[…] wanting to be madly reductive, but in view of IELB’s post here from yesterday…You may recall this thread here from November…which looked at a piece by Senan Moloney and […]


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