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The Sequel ….. “Progress” March 10, 2012

Posted by irishelectionliterature in Fianna Fáil, Irish Politics.

Last week Fianna Fail posted a video ‘Beginnings’ which we posted here.

The sequel is out. Its called ‘Progress’ and is “A look back at some of the recent achievements of Fianna Fáil.”. Of course some of them deserve merit … but what’s missing? What was left out?
(That is aside from a picture of a single Fianna Fail politician past or present. Odder given that the first video concentrated on Dev, Jack Lynch, Sean Lemass , Donagh O’Malley and others)


1. WorldbyStorm - March 11, 2012

Effing hell.


2. PaddyJoe - March 11, 2012

Slick, isn’t it. Is it just being used internally as a morale booster or is it being distributed officially in the wider world?
In any case the establishment rehabilitation of FF is now in full swing.
Not much more than a year after we got rid of the worst government in the history of the state we have Marian Finucane, Brian Hayes and Olivia O’Leary all telling us that we need Fianna Fail.
Funny if it wasn’t so serious.


3. Dr. X - March 11, 2012

Go forward singing in the eternal light of Fianna Fail thought.


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