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That New Fianna Fail Video … March 7, 2012

Posted by irishelectionliterature in Fianna Fáil, Irish Politics.

Fresh from Fianna Fail, presumably an idea from the Ard Fheis .

Its about the past….. and stops in 1970.

Its called ‘Beginnings’ …  Suggestions for the sequels title welcome


1. LeftAtTheCross - March 7, 2012

Scraping the barrell with that. A return to DeValera is it, nostaligic nonsense, burying their heads in the sand about the realities of the present and the struggles of the future. Leave them to it. O’Cuiv for Leader!!


2. Oireachtas retort - March 7, 2012

Charlie, Bertie and the two Brian in part two yeah?


3. Dr. X - March 7, 2012

Great stuff – nearly as good as Reeling in the years. That all-important nostalgia vote will bring FF back to the seat of power, just watch.


4. Gerard Murphy (@gfmurphy101) - March 7, 2012

Interesting “they had no money but loads of …” they were’nt long changing that, the party of “the men of no property” were’nt long changing that either….. into the dustbin of history with them


5. P - March 7, 2012

I think a lot of the footage is from Seven Ages?


6. The Sequel ….. “Progress” « The Cedar Lounge Revolution - March 10, 2012

[…] Last week Fianna Fail posted a video ‘Beginnings’ which we posted here. […]


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