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Donie Cassidys “Now is the right time to buy” Seanad Speech from June 2008 June 27, 2013

Posted by irishelectionliterature in Fianna Fáil.

From the 10th of April 2008 ….. Donie Cassidy in the Seanad

“Now is the right time to buy. We have a duty to tell first-time house buyers, young couples with no previous experience, that there is unbelievable value in the marketplace today. It will not last forever. It is never the wrong time to do the right thing. I offer the House the benefit of my experience and my opinion which is all any Member can do. I will remind the House, perhaps in 12 or 18 months, when prices have again increased by 25% or 30%, that they were told this by the Leader of the House on this historic day, the tenth anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.”


1. EWI - June 27, 2013

I particularly like the tying of the property market to the Good Friday Agreement.


Joe - June 28, 2013

Yes. Classic Fianna Fáil.


2. Brendan Ryan - June 27, 2013

Now there’s a reason to be glad I lost my seat in 2007!!!


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