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Kenny and the north inner city… June 15, 2016

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Am I alone in finding something slightly odd about the actuality and the coverage of the Taoiseach’s ‘meeting’ and ‘visit’ to the North Inner City yesterday. It’s as if it is terra incognito. Perhaps for him and the ‘several ministers’ who accompanied him it is at that.


1. Mick Fealty - June 15, 2016

I think it’s fascinating. Part big PR push, part good idea. Far too late in the process to be actually effective. I hope it’s a harbinger of good news for Sheriff Street. I fear it may just push them into deeper cynicism.


2. Joe - June 15, 2016

Joe Costello on the radio last night was quite good about it. Don’t know was it him or the reported who said there are two north inner cities – the new affluent one built and inhabited in the last twenty years, side by side with the deprived one that’s been there generations.


fergal - June 15, 2016

Joe- just on that point during the Vincent Browne debates he pointed out that dublin central was the 9th most affluent constituencies in the state- out of what 42/43 constituencies? So, definitely two towns there.
Oscar Lewis in the Children of Sanchez talks of a ‘culture of poverty’- that how a person responds to what life throws at you can become an embedded cultural issue. Dropping out of school is what my parents had to do, doing it myself is a legitimate response- this is how my community deals with education.
Likewise drugs, unemployment etc
The UN issues reports of education every so often. One question it used to ask was how much the local kids liked their schools. The kids who hated their schools the most were in the tough suburbs of Melbourne etc- with the latest technology, PE halls, furniture etc.a a two- metre perimeter fence. The kids who literally loved their schools were in poorest parts of the world eg the slums of Mexico- where schools had very little material wise- but were quite literally built by the hands of the parents living locally and had a very ‘open door’ approach. These reports usually get binned- maybe they tell us something that we don’t want to hear?


3. sonofstan - June 15, 2016

It’s like heseltine going to toxteth innit


Liberius - June 15, 2016

A garden festival beckons for the north inner city…


4. Ghandi - June 15, 2016

The usual nodding donkey’s looking for funding, no real attempt to solve the problem, how much money is already pumped into the area into dubious projects, no recognition of the nature of the community and that those fueding and involved in drugs are also part of the community. No mention of choice and greed all down to “poverty”, Naturally I wasn’t invited …… but sure why would do want the only Criminologist / Solicitor born, bred, working and living in the area there… no thinking outside the control box allowed.


5. Jim Monaghan - June 15, 2016

Gregory deal, part 10 or 11.
Personally whatever funding is available should be pumped into pre primary and primary education, support by social workers at that level. Focus on school attendance etc.

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6. Gewerkschaftler - June 15, 2016

Did Kenny employ a native guide?


7. Ghandi - June 15, 2016

Unfortunately jim it won’t be it will just be more for those riding the gravy train for the past 30 years


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