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Unequal relationships February 23, 2017

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Alan Dukes, who I’m no fan of at all, still manages to make a point in the SBP at the weekend on Brexit and indeed Irexit which is well worth reiterating when arguing that even in the event of an ‘hard exit’ of the UK from the EU it would still make sense for Ireland to remain as a member of the EU for the moment.

The alternative would be to exist in order effectively to enter into a new bilateral realationship with Britain. trade agreements with Britain in 1948 and 1963 were heavily weighted in Britain’s favour because of the relative sizes of the two partners. Notwithstanding the huge improvement in Anglo-Irish relations since 1973, any future relationship would continue to be uneven and unequal.

It’s an obvious element of the mix but one that sometimes seems to escape discussion. And:

A substantial part of the reason for joining the EEC with Britain and Denmark in 1973 was to escape from the difficulties of such an unequal relationship.

And he continues that an exit by this state would immediately require an exit from the euro, and subsequent to that…

A new correct would have to be constructed, raising the question of the relationship with sterling; independence or common currency area?

And so it would begin, the not so slow re-orientation of this state towards Britain.

As to the financial chaos that would likely ensue…


1. EWI - February 23, 2017

What happens to the many thousands of EU citizens living here (and Irish living in the rest of the EU) is we devolve back to being a satellite of the British>\? This is utter madness.

Liked by 1 person

2. CL - February 23, 2017

“the Irish border will become not just an economic, migration and political frontier. It will become an ideological boundary….
On the one side there is the neo-nationalist world order; on the other the rather isolated edge of an embattled transnational EU. This would make the “borders of the past” seem like garden paths strewn with rose petals.”


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