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Shy FF voters? June 13, 2024

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

It’s a fair question. Mick Clifford in the Examiner noted on foot of the elections that:

For the last few years, most polls had Fianna Fáil’s popularity dipped well below 20%, yet it emerged from this election well over — heading for 23%.

On Saturday, Micheál Martin let rip on the know-nothing opinion polls and the know-nothing commentators.

“Some people said that Fianna Fáil would be coming in a distant third, but that has been completely disproved,” he told reporters.

“I have been looking at opinion polls for the past three years, independent polling, having Fianna Fáil at 14% or 15%. Clearly we will be well ahead of that, over 20% by the time all of these counts are put together.”

Martin may be talking his party up, but there is a curious disparity between the elections this weekend and those national polls. I wonder how that is factoring into electoral calculations this week.


1. John Goodwillie - June 13, 2024

Could it be that Fianna Fáil voters are diligent in turning up, and Sinn Féin voters are the opposite? That would allow the polls to be correct.

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2. tomasoflatharta - June 13, 2024

Very interesting – the real results indicate that the June 7 2024 Local and European elections in the 26 County bit of Ireland were good news for the ruling coalition elected in February 2020. The Fianna Fáil-Fine Gael-Greens plus Gombeens (FFFGGG) combination scored an important victory, setting them up for a possible return to the seat of government in Dublin’s Leinster House in less than 12 months, when a new general election must happen.

Even worse, due to ominous rising support for Gombeen currents (primarily the Independent Ireland [II]) party and extreme racists, FFFG might be able to dump the Greens and rule on their own – or coalesce with the II gombeens and other toxic racist-right populists.

This new political landscape can be navigated by the fighting and anti-racist left. However. a proposed “left government” led by Sinn Féin looks like an impractical mirage. “Vote Left, Transfer Left” is part of a solution. A policy of no coalition with FFFG and the Gombeens is required. As a first baby step, it will be interesting to see if a nominally left majority on Dublin City Council is able to join together and stop FFFG, the Gombeens, and the hard racists from running the Mansion House and City Hall. John Meehan


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