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Area man is pro-unity June 18, 2024

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Good for Leo Varadkar, who has pinned his colours to the unification mast. He argues that the next Irish government needs to be proactive on unity – asserting it as a political goal and commencing preparations. He’s against the British Secretary of State being the only one with the power to call a referendum. He says that Brexit stymied his hopes of establishing a 21st century New Ireland Forum. He’s against a referendum until there’s strong support for unity. And he suggests a two-stage referendum where the issue of unity would be dealt with in the first and the form of unity would be shaped and then presented for the second in order that Unionism could have a hand in the second, since they wouldn’t be voting in favour of the first. 

This is all broadly speaking good stuff. Still, what a pity he wasn’t able to push a bit more strongly for it when in office. 


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