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Irish Economic Crisis Explained by Robots November 27, 2010

Posted by irishelectionliterature in Uncategorized.

Doing the rounds at the minute….
“A casual conversation between two robots sheds light on the Irish economic crisis….. ”


1. Kev - November 28, 2010

Love these robots, lets put them in charge of this hole.


2. WorldbyStorm - November 28, 2010

Pretty good overview, nicely, or depressingly, cynical.


3. AcademicAnonymous - November 28, 2010

RTE should put it on instead of the Angelus.


4. Brian - November 28, 2010
FergusD - November 29, 2010

That’s very interesting. So the EU is “helping” Ireland, to help themselves, or more correctly UK, German and pobably other bankers. It is the bankers “International”! But the Irish people will pay.

Of course the blig linked to doe smention the role of Irish bankers and politicians, IFSC was set up with help from Haughey. ‘Nuff said!


EWI - November 29, 2010

IFSC was set up with help from Haughey.

And is currently being fronted (and lobbied for) by one John Bruton.


5. thecarrigeenlad - November 29, 2010

Valid except that the majority of the money was not used to speculate on the derivative market. it was used by banks to fan the flames of the commercial and private housing markets. Hence the inflated price of land/ houses in Ireland. So in essence the people spent the money because a deregulated banking system allowed them to and the government did not take any measures to stop the bubble but tried to profit from it. Ultimate short term gain for long term agony… Typical FF behavior and the chief culprit… Mr Charlie McCreevy…


6. John Cunningham - November 29, 2010

Terry McDonough gives a rather good explanation of it all in an article he titles ‘The Irish crash in global context’



7. ejh - November 29, 2010

Meanwhile, “it was nothing to do with free market economics, it was just corruption and reckless spending” is being given a run in the comments at Crooked Timber. Do pop over and tell a silly little boy that he’s a silly little boy.


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