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The other face of capital… May 21, 2024

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Anyone read this?

International far-right leaders, including France’s Marine Le Pen, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and Argentina’s Javier Milei, came together in Madrid to rail against socialism and “massive illegal migration” three weeks before hard-right parties are expected to see a surge in support in June’s European elections.

Sunday’s “great patriotic convention”, which was organised by Spain’s far-right Vox party, offered conservatives and far-right populists a chance to congregate and take aim at a variety of familiar targets, from the welfare state to “wokeness” and the agendas of Brussels-based bureaucrats.

The event was also attended by Amichai Chikli, Israel’s minister for diaspora affairs and combating antisemitism, André Ventura, the leader of Portugal’s far-right Chega party, and the Chilean far-right leader José Antonio Kast.

But beyond that note the contribution of Milei. Not for him any sugaring the pill – this is a right-wing socio-economic project, despite the rhetoric about the working class and elites. One that reinforces current socio-economic structures and is viciously opposed to collective efforts. 

“Socialism is the cancer of humanity,” he said. “Socialism is the enemy. Instead of being so worried about the differences we may have on this side in life, let’s not let the dark, black, satanic, disgusting, atrocious, carcinogenic side – which is socialism – defeat us.”

“The global elites don’t understand how destructive implementing socialist ideas can be because they’re too far away from it all. They don’t know what kind of society and country socialism can produce, what kind of people cling to power and what levels of abuse it can bring. Even with a corrupt wife, he debases himself and takes five days to think about it.”

Bear in mind Milei on his visit to Spain, apart from insulting the current Spanish government in ludicrous and demeaning terms was there to:

promote his latest book and meet with business leaders from Spanish multinationals such as Iberia, Santander, Telefónica and BBVA 

Yeah. He’s so so distant from the ‘elites’.


1. Dolores - May 21, 2024

Unlike the concerted effort in the ‘important’ EU capitals to firmly slap down the Greek socialist govt a decade ago, absolutely nothing is being done to deal with the likes of Meloni and the openly fascist Órban. And why would they? The likes of von der Leyen are sympathetic to much of what they’re saying.

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2. James Monaghan - May 21, 2024

Any of the local fascists and semi-fascists there? One of teh many problems with Von de Leyen is that she is more than prepared to cooperate with them. And one of the many problems with them is the Putinite aspect.


Dolores - May 21, 2024

I see no mention – maybe there are still bad memories of the last time that Irish fascist sympathisers were invited to showed up in Spain to help the cause.

I do know that the ECR (the crypto-fascist Euro Parliament group that most of these belong to) has an event in Kilkenny last year. The Irish speakers were listed as:

[…] Sharon Keogan, Irish Senator, […] Cormac Lucey, Professor of Finance at Trinity College, Dublin, […] Pat McCormack, President of ICMSA in Ireland, Mattie McGrath, Irish MP, […] Carol Nolan, Irish MP, […] Sara Ryan, Irish journalist


At least we know Eddie Hobbs wasn’t there – supposedly he was trying to blockade a WHO international conference down the country in the past few days


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