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The Rotary Club and its surprising enemies… February 24, 2008

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

For reasons too complex (or too dull) to explain here I found myself recently at a Rotary Club do. It was…well, what it was. A gathering of generally late middle aged, reasonably well intentioned well-to-do people who seem to enjoy chains of office perhaps a tad too much and a generate a curious mix of charity work about a range of issues with somewhat overlong speeches. I have no intention of joining. Ever (indeed a number of us who happened to be there as guests commented that badges along the lines of “Please do not invite us to join as a refusal may offend” might have been useful).

But be that as it may, and I’m not rushing to go to another such event anytime soon, there is one group of people who have a profound enmity towards the Rotary Club. And that would be….

Why none other than Islamists… As a piece in Slate magazine by Jonathan Schwarz noted:

Muslim fundamentalists aren’t shy about naming their enemies. They’ve identified Zionists and secularists as particular foes of Islam; picked out apostates, Americans, and Jews for scorn; disparaged “crusaders” and imperialists; and even—like conspiracists everywhere—warned against the Freemasons.

But Islamists have selected one enemy that’s entirely baffling: Rotary clubs.

For instance, this appears in Article 17 of the Hamas charter:

Therefore, you can see [the enemies] making consistent efforts by way of publicity and movies, curriculi of education and culture, using as their intermediaries their craftsmen who are part of the various Zionist Organizations which take on all sorts of names and shapes such as: the Free Masons, Rotary Clubs, gangs of spies and the like. All of them are nests of saboteurs and sabotage. (emphasis added)

Woah there guys. Now I’m not saying it didn’t put a dent in my weekend, but… ‘nests of saboteurs and sabotage’?

It doesn’t end there:

In 2000, British police discovered an al-Qaida manual titled “Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants” in the home of a Bin Laden disciple. Its introduction learnedly explains:

After the fall of our orthodox caliphates on March 3, 1924. … Colonialism and its followers, the apostate rulers, then started to openly erect crusader centers, societies, and organizations like Masonic Lodges, Lions and Rotary Clubs. (emphasis added)

It must be admitted that wine and beer were available, and the proceedings started with a somewhat pro forma grace, but I didn’t see much of a ‘crusader’ complexion to the proceedings. Indeed the Middle East and Islam weren’t mentioned once. Nah, the focus of attention is Africa.

And the article picks up on the seemingly disproportionate concentration on what is essentially a rather mundane organisation:

For Americans, of course, this seems slightly comic. Rotary clubs? Aren’t they like the Elks, except less edgy? But the roots of the peculiar Islamist fixation on Rotary clubs are deep in the tangled history of Western influence in the Middle East. Our story begins with the formation of the first Rotary club in Chicago in 1905. Originally conceived as a social club for its four founding businessmen, the club soon expanded and became focused on community service. One of its initial projects was the construction of Chicago’s first public bathroom. The name came from the club’s practice of rotating meetings among members’ workplaces.

Now, let’s get this straight. The fact the founders were business people indicates why this is no hotbed of social revolution. Placid, charity oriented, speechifying, mind-bogglingly slow moving. Yes, all these, and… no overt ideological agenda, other perhaps than a validation of presently existing capitalism which remains unstated. Which is sort of tooth-grinding in the way that one wants to get away as soon as humanly possible… but one wishes to be polite so the grinding continues on the qt.

It is an assumed link with the Freemasons which is, perhaps inevitably, the Rotarians undoing. Simply put many suppose that it was an off-shoot of them. But, it wasn’t. Nothing so exciting in fact, although it led to the Rotary Clubs being essentially off-limits to the Catholic Church, as the following makes clear.

Similar views on masonry were held (in less virulent forms) by conservative elements of the Catholic Church. And as Rotary clubs spread, the church lumped them with the Masons. In 1928 several Spanish bishops declared that Rotary was “nothing else but a new satanic organization with the same background and teachings of masonry” and deemed it “a suspected organization” that “should be considered as execrable and perverse.” Soon afterward the Vatican decreed that Catholic priests could not join Rotary clubs.

This chill lasted for a surprisingly long time. Dan Mooers, former chairman of Rotary International’s Executive Committee, recalls Rotary being denounced from the pulpit as late as 1970. The relationship between Rotary and the church began to warm in 1979, when Pope John Paul II publicly endorsed Rotary’s humanitarian projects.

Still, the saying of grace might be a small clue that I wasn’t surrounded by the advance guard of secularism.

And as the Slate piece notes:

But what does this have to do with Islamic fundamentalism? The answer seems to be conspiracy gridlock: For years fundamentalist Islam has borrowed wholesale from European conspiracist cosmology. Ever since Protocols of the Elders of Zion was first translated into Arabic, it’s provided a handy explanation—Masons and all—for the Western menace to the Islamic community. (In Iraq, Moqtada al-Sadr’s paper Al Hawza published a picture of George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton and explained that their hand gestures were a sign of the Zionist-Masonic conspiracy.) And, like the Catholic Church, Islamists lumped Rotarians in with the Masons and called both anathema.

But, unfortunately for the Rotarians,Freemasonry was involved in the colonialist waves across the Middle East, and supported that agenda quite explicitly.

Berkeley’s Hamid Algar, one of the world’s pre-eminent scholars of Islamic history, explains that Freemasonry:

has generally functioned since its first appearance in the Muslim world in the late eighteenth century as a channel for the promotion of Western dominance, politically and ideologically; one Istanbul lodge in the mid-nineteenth century had the British ambassador as its grand master and the Ottoman chief vizier as one of his initiates. Visiting dignitaries from Iran and the Ottoman Empire would regularly be initiated by their hosts on their visits to London and Paris.

And, as is the way with such things this has led to an elision between the Masons (bad) and the Rotarians (not quite as bad, if you like that kind of thing, I suppose) amongst Islamists keen to remove any Western influence. And it’s not as if they weren’t speaking from experience. As Slate notes:

(A final bizarre and ironic twist is that the intellectual grandfather of today’s pan-Islamic fundamentalism is 19th-century thinker Jamal al-Din al-Afghani. Afghani’s figurative heirs would eventually found the Muslim Brotherhood. When Afghani lived in Egypt during 1870s, he was a Mason.)

And this has led to Rotary being simply not visible in many many parts of the Middle East, although in others it’s doing okay. I’m not entirely surprised by the latter. Commerce is central to the socio-political culture there (as indeed it is here) so one might expect that…

At the same time, Rotary is quietly thriving in parts of the Islamic world. There are about 100 chapters in Indonesia, more than 80 chapters in Turkey, 70 in Egypt, 20 in Lebanon, and even one in Dubai. Indeed, in some quarters Rotary is perceived just as it is here. As one youthful Cairo blogger reports: “They seem nice enough, but kind of boring.”

Too true, all too true… But they might well wish they had rather less boring enemies…


1. Starkadder - February 24, 2008

I’m sure in America the Rotary Clubs tended to support
the Republican party-I think it was Mark Crispin
Miller who referred to “FDR haters in the Rotary Club
and the American Legion”.
I’m surprised the Muslim fundamentalist have picked
on them,though.


2. WorldbyStorm - February 24, 2008

I really don’t know. Interesting though. I’d imagine the pro-business stance would certainly skew them. I’m very very cautious about ‘charitable’ groups anyhow…


3. John Green - February 25, 2008

Maybe they’re confusing them with the Rosicrucians.


4. WorldbyStorm - February 25, 2008

Not the most difficult mistake to make, either…


5. Craig - February 26, 2008

Rotary Clubs do seem a bit snobbish but I rather doubt they are part of the Freemason ‘movement’. The Islamists are kind of scraping the barrel with this one.


6. isam hassan - July 12, 2009



7. Turther - March 11, 2010

Well… I do not about Muslims but…

I’m an Orthodox Christian and I do find Rotary Clubs to be a subversive lement.

I’m not sure whether this goes for the entire world or Europe but when it comes to former Yugoslavia, its collapse is closely linked to two organizations Rotary Club and Paneuropean Union.

How, when, where and why Catholic Church (which goes hand in hand with Paneuropean movement) actually made up with Rotary Club… (Maybe I’m misinformed but from what I understand they used to be on opposite sides), nevertheless they found themselves united against what seems to be the universal enemy – commies, Reds…

So whether you’re a Rotarian, a Freemason, a Jihadi, an anarcholiberal, a neocon, a monarchist, a Paneuropean, a Knight of Malta, all enemies cannot be compared to the old commie.

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8. Emmanuel Ngetich - April 12, 2011

I may not know details about the Rotary, Lions or Giants Clubs but a club formed for humanitarian purposes does not conduct its affairs in secrecy. The secrecy points out to a hidden agenda. The hidden agenda can only be evil.

Rotary, Lions and others clubs like Giants to me are fronts for devious and extremely evil organizations (who engage in horrible practices like human or blood sacrifices). Why for instance are they in the medical sector (building hospitals and engaging in polio eradication-we require statistics on their polio campaigns-whether polio is really being eradicated-the exercise may be a ruse for polio introduction)? There must be a desire by them to whet an insatiable thirst for human suffering. THIS IS THE HALLMARK OF THE DEVIL HIMSELF.

If my concerns are not true, let someone shed light on these organizations.


Dean Bouldign - April 16, 2012

“I may not know details about the Rotary, Lions or Giants Clubs but a club formed for humanitarian purposes does not conduct its affairs in secrecy.”

Wow. I’ve been in a Rotary club for about ten years now. Religion and politics are never discussed at my club, and there is a similar understanding throughout the organization. It’s probably written down somewhere.

We don’t meet in secret, we advertise our meetings and would really like more people to come along. I will keep my eyes open next meeting and see if there are any human sacrifices going down — if so I’ll let you know.

Dean Boulding

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Evan Iliadis (channel) - April 14, 2018

Indeed, no secret meetings there, no strange rituals. Just defrauding good people giving their money “for a good cause” to realize later that all they accomplished is fattening the bank accounts of a few Rotarians con artists.
Read the story of a former rotarian.



Is not written by a muslim or a jihadist. It come from a former rotarian.


Heckle - April 16, 2012



Heckle - April 16, 2012

(+1 Emmanuel Ngetich)

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9. zenobia - November 7, 2014

My husband’s step father was active in Rotary for many years. He is also my husband’s uncle. I recently wrote the group about what they thought of my husband’s uncle marrying his niece and how embarrassing their constant Rotary related public social activities have been for us over the years and they seem to have no policy on incest. I think the man is disgusting for pursing and marrying his much younger relative, and abandoning his family. If men like that make up the Rotary then I want nothing to do with them.


10. guide to andalusians - March 2, 2015

The celebrated Greek cavalry officer Xenophon, who is credited with beginning the sport of
dressage. They are perfect carriage horses and have placed in international driving competitions against other breeds.
Andalusians only began to be exported from Spain in 1962.


11. Gerryboy - April 14, 2018

I knew a Quaker in Dublin some years ago, who was a member of the Rotary Club. He showed me the Rotary handbook, with a list of names and addresses. The rules at the front of the book stated that rotary members were not to use the handbook for political or religious promotions. I was informed that Rotary groups tend to elect to membership well-positioned individuals from many professions. I suppose it is a predominantly middle-class network. It is not a secret organization. In towns and cities around the world there are Lions Clubs. They are recruited from the leading echelons of local businesses and professions i.e. the middle- and upper-middle class. They are not secretive. They organize fundraising events and donate the proceeds to charity. If many rotarians in the USA vote Republican Party or in Ireland vote Fine Gael, it is because individually they support business interests, not because they are rotarians.


WorldbyStorm - April 14, 2018

+1 I’m amazed this thread has had the longevity it has. TBH I wouldn’t take the Rotary crew that seriously. As you say it’s a middle class network in the main and mostly for socialising as far as I can see.


EWI - April 14, 2018

+1 I’m amazed this thread has had the longevity it has. TBH I wouldn’t take the Rotary crew that seriously. As you say it’s a middle class network in the main and mostly for socialising as far as I can see.

It does strongly reinforce their class solidarity, though.


WorldbyStorm - April 15, 2018

I’m no fan of the RC but it’s not going to be banned any time soon so short of tut tutting about it I’m not sure what we can do.


12. techritter - June 18, 2019

Why try to explain why religious extremists see something as evil (though this piece barely even does that anyway). It’s not as if all Muslims think this way. The RC is a Western based global organization. We can talk about conspiracy theories that are popular in the US which are embedded in the current culture of the religious right which makes this look downright normal (Qanon, Pizzagate…)


WorldbyStorm - June 18, 2019

Not trying to explain why religious extremists see something as evil – and this blog isn’t based in the US. It’s a light(ish)take on something I had a direct if fleeting personal experience of and a larger phenomenon.


13. Karen Clarke - October 19, 2019

Love this informative blog. My country is the Bahamas. Districts 6990 and 7020. The Masons that are Rotarians control the clubs (mostly the old guard). The masons have a powerful influence over the government. Having attended the Hamburg Rotary International Convention this past June, I was shocked to see the newest flag, IRAQ. The audience was shocked. I made up my mind to call RI when I returned. Having lost a husband in Vietnam (and Thailand is pushing for Vietnam to have Rotary Clubs) when Vietnam is a communist country, read the bylaws. And IRAQ, where I lost a son and two nephews, made me insane. Bottom line. It’s not service it is “get the most money”. Now we are looking at Turkey killing the Kurds and not in Syria but in IRAQ, I find RI disgusting. I am an Arch Klumph Society member and am sickened by the baseness of RI, which, by the way, is not a NPO. Only the foundation is. So where is the money going to?


14. TB - April 16, 2020

Your argument is that something with complicated secret goals and operations would look like that on the surface? Have you heard of the scandals of money misapproriation by the Red Cross? Have you read the history of secret society’s operation since the French Revolution? Lame.


WorldbyStorm - April 16, 2020

Business people have the direct ear of Ministers of Finance in states. They don’t need late middle aged and elderly proxies to run their secret agendas. They just pick up the phone to civil servant who then picks up the phone for them to the Minister.

Most conspiracies are in plain sight. That’s the way it’s been since long before the French Revolution and is the way it will continue to be.

As to the Red Cross, any organisation can be distorted by someone or someones stealing monies. It’s not good, it doesn’t suggest they had robust financial control but it’s not the same as a supposed secret conspiracy to change the world.


yourcousin - April 16, 2020

No, it’s a secret conspiracy.


Ned Corcaigh - April 16, 2020

Ssssh. We’re rumbled.


WorldbyStorm - April 16, 2020


It’s not like any
of the folk here have ever been associated with any organisations with actual semi secret armed or unarmed wings dedicated to the De facto overthrow of the state for Marxist or Irish Republican ends. Perish the thought!

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CL - April 16, 2020

So you’re saying that Nesta Webster, who was herself a reincarnation of a French noblewoman, is wrong?

Webster maintained that the IRA was part of the Jewish/Freemason conspiracy.

“The Irish People”, a now defunct Irish republican NYC weekly had a columnist who called himself ‘Nosey Flynn’. He regularly cited Webster’s works favourably.
Nosey Flynn is the character in Ulysses who, in Davy Byrnes, claims that Bloom is a Freemason.

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15. Anabela Krezal - December 18, 2020

I’m trying to tell our sad experience with this organization everywhere I can.
My sons studied many years in a school in Sao Paulo, Brazil that belongs to the Rotary Foundation of São Paulo.
11 years ago, I got divorced and stopped paying the tuition for 5 months. Now, 11 years later, after having my bank account blocked, not having been informed about this law suit till it was already ended, so I couldn’t even defend myself, I have a debt of almost US$15,000.
I deliver food for a living, cannot pay this amount, I live with my 2 sons in Colorado, and was caught with this huge bill, with this amount I could buy a condo or a house in some regions in Brazil.
I sent an email to the president of Rotary in the US, president of Rotary in Brazil asking for help. Never got an answer from any of them, I received an email from a Rotary supervisor in Brazil saying that Rotary Foundation of São Paulo has financial and administrative autonomy to make any decisions and they couldn’t interfere. That was it. I sent several other emails asking for help, no response whatsoever! None!
This law suit was in the hands of a very expensive law firm in Sao Paulo. They played cruelly with me and my family during this process, offered a discount, cancelled the discount, then returned with the discount, demanded the bill to be paid with a credit card. If I didn’t pay the bill, the next step would be to take ownership of any properties under my name in Brazil. We do have a condo in Brazil, where I and my family used to live. We rent an apartment here in Colorado.
Now I read Rotary’s mission, “provide service to others, goodwill”!!!!! This is not true!! This is a group of arrogant and greedy people, that make a lot of money, no mercy or sympathy for any family or person in need, I can imagine how many families in the same situation as me have their lives destroyed in law suits like this!
This organization deserves no respect!!!!!


16. A K - August 23, 2023

I am a single mom, mother of 2 wonderful young men that had to respond to a court order to pay Rotary in Brazil through one of the most expensive law firms in São Paulo, with the possibility of having our home in Brazil taken to pay for what was being demanded, a really large amount of money. Meanwhile we were living in the US and my occupation was delivering pizzas. I tried to get in touch with several Rotary personnel and I did not even get an answer back. In my opinion, a group of arrogant men, that believe that it sounds and looks good to “help” others.
This is not something that I heard or read about Rotary, this is what happened to me in real life so I don’t consider myself a surprising enemy!


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