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Heads you win, tails I lose… October 31, 2009

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Slow news weekend. So far anyhow. As an agnostic theist (trust me, there’s no fun in that. Or much consolation to be had either) I had to applaud the Archbishop of Tuam, Dr. Michael Neary’s pithy comment on the latest events, or should that be non-events, at Knock. For in the aftermath of its sudden location as a potential site of matters miraculous he said:

“It is not healthy, does not give glory to God and . . . is not good witness to the faith to be looking for extraordinary phenomena,” he said.

This was in the wake of the prediction by Dublin man Joe Coleman, self-designated “visionary of our Blessed Mother” that 50,000 people would turn out at Knock to see said vision.

Sadly his prophetic powers were a little off…

Up to 10,000 people gathered this afternoon in Knock in the hope of witnessing [the] visitation from the Virgin Mary.

And of the vision?

Mr Coleman left the shrine before 4pm, claiming he had witnessed an aparition, as he had anticipated. He said he had received communication from the Virgin Mary but insisted that he was as yet unprepared to reveal the nature of the message. 

But in fairness he had previously allowed himself an out… for:

…he warned that the visitation would only be visible “to people who come with an open heart”. 

That’s the… er [Holy] spirit…

I’ll get my coat.


1. splinteredsunrise - November 1, 2009

The Vatican has been taking an admirably dusty view of this sort of thing lately. IIRC the current guidelines for investigating miraculous apparitions call for the involvement of psychiatrists. These may be either Catholics or atheists, which calls to mind the way bishops in China are appointed by the Communist Party.


WorldbyStorm - November 1, 2009

Well, they’ve not too keen on potential oppositional poles opening up (or is that developing?) on their own turf. And I don’t blame them. I agree it is admirable.


2. ejh - November 1, 2009
3. ejh - November 1, 2009
WorldbyStorm - November 1, 2009

Dustier… dustier… 🙂


4. Jim Monaghan - November 1, 2009

On a footnote there are two Catholic Churchs in China. One controlled by the State , the other by the papacy.It is an enfringement of the right to religious belief. But that is by the way


5. splinteredsunrise - November 1, 2009

That’s right. It’s not the RCC as such, but a body called the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association. You read a lot about it in the Tablet, but in general it’s not given anything like the publicity as the troubles of Tibetan Buddhists…


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