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Jim McDaid deflects attention to the opposition May 5, 2010

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Irish Politics.

…by suggesting that they don’t want an election now. Hmmm…

Dr McDaid, who was expelled from the Fianna Fáil parliamentary party when he abstained in a Dáil vote in November 2008, claimed that the Opposition parties, “pull out six or seven deputies to make sure that the Government doesn’t lose a vote”.

“Despite what they say, they don’t want a general election, and that is the factual situation.”

The Opposition has reacted predictably:

Dr McDaid’s claims were rebuffed by Fine Gael whip Paul Kehoe and Labour whip Emmet Stagg.

Mr Kehoe pointed out that the Ceann Comhairle had to use his casting vote on behalf of the Government on a recent occasion.

And makes a fair point…

He challenged Dr McDaid to back up his statements. “If Jim McDaid has proof of the Fine Gael chief whip holding back deputies, I would like him to come out with it,” he said.

As would we all.

But McDaid’s got to be kidding. I think that it’s true that last year there was a trepidation about the opposition, particularly before the locals and Lisbon. They weren’t sure of the temperature, as it were, of the electorate and concerned that FF might be in rabbits from hat pulling mode. But now? Seriously?

I suspect that the factual situation is that there is a greater fear amongst Fine Gael and Labour that this might be close a peak. I think, incidentally, that they’re wrong in that supposition because – as I outline elsewhere today, Fianna Fáil are in profound trouble now.

But the idea that they’re walking away from votes is laughable. Kenny knows that sooner is better for him, because his poll ratings are flagging slightly under the assault from Labour. Labour may harbour hopes that theirs will increase further, but 24% is so good as to be close to their upper operating limit – most likely. The recent news about NAMA and the drip drip drip of its ramifications are a constant drag on the Government. An election this month? May? Perfect weather. Perfect timing.

More interesting is the question as to why McDaid is saying this now. Any suggestions?


1. Indiscipline in the ranks… « The Cedar Lounge Revolution - May 5, 2010

[…] another sign that things are beginning to fracture for Fianna Fáil. Not that I expect the ship of state to […]


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