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An Phoblacht – April/Aibreán – Issue out now… March 31, 2012

Posted by WorldbyStorm in An Phoblacht, Sinn Féin.

From the editorial:

The same bullying approach by the political establishment will be evident again, over the next few weeks and months, as they attempt to coerce voters into endorsing the Eurozone Austerity Treaty on 31 May.

This treaty seeks to surrender what limited fiscal power remains in the hands of Irish people to unelected officials in Brussels. It is anti-growth and anti-jobs and if ratified will place an economic straightjacket on Ireland for decades and lead to further austerity, more unemployment and more emigration.

Issue includes:

‘Truly Remarkable’ – Unionist reaction to Declan Kearney’s An Phoblacht article
Symphysiotomy – A childbirths clinical scandal on a par with the clerical scandals
Springsteen – The Boss’s new ‘Wrecking Ball’ reviewed by Ross Carmody
Belfast City Council spearheads development plan for facilities, services and jobs – Peadar Whelan talks to Sinn Féin Cllr Deirdre Hargey
The British Army general’s ‘tiger hunt’ mindset and shoot-to-kill
Sinn Féin launches a new campaign for the country: ‘Love Rural Ireland’ – Martin Ferris TD on the ‘Love Rural Ireland’ initiative
‘This generation can deliver Irish unity’: Sinn Féin Republican Youth Congress hears from David Cochrane (Politics.ie), Sarah Bardon (Irish Daily Mirror), Brian Rowen (Belfast Telegraph), Pearse Doherty TD, Gerry Adams TD and speakers from Scotland and the Basque Country
Ó Cuív faoi chinsireacht sna meáin
Mary Lou McDonald on the Mahon Tribunal and 1916
Phil Flanagan MLA: Making Ireland a powerhouse of renewable energy
Murder of Sam Marshall: How was Sam shot dead by the UVF while 8 British Army soldiers had him under surveillance?
Mol an óige – Le Tevor Ó Clochartaigh
Book reviews: 16 Lives (Easter Rising leaders); Race for the Áras,
Left-wing republican elected new leader of Wales’s Plaid Cymru
New US film by Tea Party darlings from Tyrone and Donegal is backing fracking
Sport: Ciarán Kearney’s ‘Between the Posts’ – Bolton Premiership player Fabrice Muamba tragedy shows that cardiac health deserves wholehearted support
Sport: Gerard Magee tackles ‘Northern soccer’s elephant in the room’
And Pat Doherty MP meets Ireland’s Olympics stars in London


1. daibhidhdeux - March 31, 2012

The Neo-Con, Brit faux elite mind-set seems catching: Trust them and this will be expunged from Alba come the independence referendum.

Meantime, trust you sort out your own gang of variants & hope a new political paradigm is being forged on these isles that will consign the whole shebang of them to the historical garbage can.



2. Jim Monaghan - March 31, 2012

My partner Jackie Morrissey did the work on exposing the Symphiosiotyomy scandal


TheOtherRiverR(h)ine - March 31, 2012

Fair play to her – it’s what happens when you mix an outdated medical procedure and religious dogma.


3. Garibaldy - March 31, 2012

I’ve only ever seen honour Ireland’s dead before. Is honour Ireland’s heroes new, or have I just missed it?


4. CL - March 31, 2012

‘New US film by Tea Party darlings from Tyrone and Donegal is backing fracking’-intriguing.


5. Ciarán - March 31, 2012

‘Truly Remarkable’ – Unionist reaction to Declan Kearney’s An Phoblacht article

I’m guessing they ignored the unionist politicians’ response.


Mick - April 3, 2012

Ciaran, I’m guessing you didn’t read the article because if you did you would see that An Phoblacht didn’t ignore unionist politicians’ response. But it is worth noting that unionism is bigger and broader than individual unionist politicians! Perhaps you should read it – http://www.anphoblacht.com/contents/1390


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