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The secret speech…On the Cult of Personality February 25, 2013

Posted by WorldbyStorm in The Left.

…delivered this day, 25th February 1956 by Nikita Kruschev. The text is here.


1. Justin - February 25, 2013
Dr. X - February 25, 2013

Grover Furr, Stalinism’s answer to David Irving.


2. justinohagan@hotmail.com - February 25, 2013

Isn’t the Internet great, dr x ! You can hide behind your monicker and throw insults around without feeling the need to base them on anything approaching a fact. What did you practice before the Internet? Primal Scream?


Dr. X - February 25, 2013

“What did you practice before the Internet?”

My wife and I use a large vibrating egg.


Justn - February 25, 2013

Wasn’t expecting that! Sounds great.


Dr. X - February 25, 2013

Sit down man, you’re a bloody tragedy.


justin - February 25, 2013

Huh? Back to the ussr, are we? Anyway, Eggs is better than ad hominems.


3. Feadog - February 25, 2013

So Khruschev wasn’t a Stalinist nor the USSR from 1956.
So all those years of insults to fellow-socialists were wasted?
It’s getting harder to know which dead Russian to follow nowadays.


WorldbyStorm - February 25, 2013

Interesting questions, I haven’t a definitive answer but I’d hesitantly suggest it was decreasingly Stalinist from 1956 onwards at least in terms of political practice.

But I think the speech itself is important because of what it represented in terms of a genuinely (albeit flawed) self-critical moment in the history of the USSR.


doctorfive - February 26, 2013
4. smiffy - February 25, 2013

Everything you ever needed to know about the USSR, but were afraid to ask: http://itsrainingmensheviks.tumblr.com


WorldbyStorm - February 25, 2013

Hmmm… strangely brilliant.


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