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Xposé October 24, 2013

Posted by irishelectionliterature in Uncategorized.

Dublin Opinion took on the onerous task of recording and uploading TV3 evening news from last Tuesday……
I hadn’t seen it myself but the coverage was appalling. The glee on TV3 as they reported the story was something else…

It Only Encourages Them also has a piece on the actual Facebook message involved… which is depressing too.


1. EamonnCork - October 24, 2013

Well done them. The thing is that this is so obviously a racist crank message that anyone with any sense wouldn’t even have bothered to pass it on. And you’d seriously wonder about the intelligence of the cops who then decided that this was worth full steam ahead and let’s tell the media. Or whoever in RTE decided it was worth lead story on the national news. It’s just a green ink message, people in the media get them all the time from crackpots wanting to land someone in the shit.
Yet, as SoS has pointed out, four government ministers still purport to see nothing wrong with the handling of this farrago. I know that anyone who criticises the guards is a subversive who wants to destroy the institutions of the state but all the same now. . .


Conor McCabe - October 25, 2013

The thing about this case is that TV3 told the guards, not the other way around. This was media driven racism, one where the full resources of the state kicked in as happy enablers. the ease by which that happened would suggest the problem is not an isolated case but in fact deeply institutional, and any inquiry that’s not a whitewash would investigate the institutional nature if the problem – and that, going by public comments so far, is not going to happen.


Eamonncork - October 25, 2013

There are people who’d say that Paul Connolly isn’t typical of the media and that many journalists are decent law abiding members of society trying to make a living in their traditional manner.
And then there are others who’d say that this is just Politically Correct nonsense and an attempt to whitewash the dysfunctional state of his community. They’d say that it might not be very right on but we have to face the fact that these people are constantly behaving like this and that if they’re not willing to abide by the normal standards of society we should have no sympathy for them. And that it’s only condescending not to expect the same standard of behaviour from journalists as you’d expect from other people. Otherwise they’ll be stuck behaving like this forever.
Because after all these stereotypes of journalists don’t come out of nowhere, do they? Personally I’m fed up of Pavee Point, sorry the NUJ, defending them. Why don’t they disown this behaviour instead of enabling and making excuses for it?
And of course the Trendy Liberals will be down on me for saying this but Paul Connolly should be deported from the country immediately as an example to the rest of them. Scum.
(I think we’ve got a caller on Line 3 who’d agree with plenty of what we were saying).


Brian Hanley - October 25, 2013

Your right, absolute dirty scumbags, should be shipped out. (c. Rob Heffernan)
I see Traveller babies are being put on the PULSE system now. I await Paul Williams and Mick McCaffrety’s justification of this at the weekend.
I probably won’t get great odds in Paddy Power for predicting that Eamon Delaney will be writing about the Roma scourge in his adopted home of Phibsboro in the SINDO this weekend. Or Jim Cusack on Roma links to the Real IRA.


EamonnCork - October 25, 2013

It’s their culture, innit?


EamonnCork - October 25, 2013

Rob Heffernan? Seriously?


irishelectionliterature - October 25, 2013

Yep.. Heffernan sent a tweet about it http://www.broadsheet.ie/2013/10/23/race-focussed/


EamonnCork - October 25, 2013

Sickening. Wonder what he thinks about Joe Ward winning a medal at the worlds. Delighted I’m sure.


Gewerkschaftler - October 25, 2013

This is institutional racism that is pretty much standard across much of Europe.

And a very useful distraction it is to, especially from the processes by which the forces of Austerianism are destroying public goods and services and vestigial democratic rights and ensuring the rich get yet richer.

Methinks we’ve been here before and we know where it leads.


DerBlutendeRabe - October 25, 2013

I have no problems with people immigrating here, so long as they work or contribute something beneficial to the nation. Lets face it, 99.99% of people who have immigrated here have made a positive contribution to the nation.
The vast majority of Roma never seem them work. All they seem to do is beg, steal, or exploit their children. Please don’t give me this crap about “culture”. You come here, its expected that you conform to the state’s laws, way of life and values. A massive one would be raising your children in a proper manner and not exploiting them.
Those children would be better off if they were taken away and actually raised by a foster family.


Ed - October 25, 2013

And you’d be better off cutting your own throat so you don’t consume any more of the Earth’s resources.


DerBlutendeRabe - October 25, 2013

Explain why please? Indulge me.


Eamonncork - October 25, 2013

Because you’re an eejit.


DerBlutendeRabe - October 25, 2013

Eamonn, you’re way better than that now. Make a valid counterargument and not this ad hominem rubbish.


ejh - October 25, 2013

I believe there is a delete function for cases such as this.


EamonnCork - October 25, 2013

I should have more sense. Delete mine while you’re at it.


2. doctorfive - October 25, 2013

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