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Patrick Scott – 1921 – 2014 February 15, 2014

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Culture.

This I did not know about him, though I should have.

The mosaics at the Busáras terminal in Dublin were designed by him as was the black and orange livery for the CIE trains .


1. AonRud - February 15, 2014

The exhibition in the Hugh Lane about ten years ago with those great golf leaf canvasses is one of those few that really stuck with me (as someone with an admittedly limited engagement with such things).

And regarding Bus Áras, they opened it for the open house architecture weekend a few years back and there’s great mosaics in the top floor room, which is a canteen for the social welfare dept. I think. Interesting on top of a modern design that I thought eschewed ornate sort of embellishments.


WorldbyStorm - February 15, 2014

He did some great work. Just speaking of Busáras, it is a remarkable building in its own way, and you’re right the detailiing is sort of post-modernist given the modernism of the structure itself.


2. Pasionario - February 15, 2014

Apparently he was feeling a bit stuck when it came to designing the CIE livery. His marmalade cat then jumped into his lap and the rest is history.

His brother designed Busaras so that explains that one.


WorldbyStorm - February 15, 2014

Michael Scott was – to my mind – an amazing architect. The Irish Paviliion at the NYC World’s Fair in 38/9 is genius.


AonRud - February 15, 2014

There’s an interesting interview with Patrick Scott on Busáras here: http://archiseek.com/2014/patrick-scott-on-michael-scott-busaras/

I’m not sure how much of the work was really Michael Scott – seems to have been a more mixed team.

(Also, to my knowledge, they weren’t brothers, Pasionario).


WorldbyStorm - February 15, 2014

Interesting stuff.


Liberius - February 17, 2014

I take it that this is the world’s fair pavilion in question, quite reminiscent of the Oscar Niemeyer designed PCF headquarters in Paris I reckon.

As a not entirely unrelated aside, Jonathan Meades has a new programme on BBC Four that started last night making a passionate* defence of brutalism as an architectural style. I can’t help but feel though that brutalism was doomed not by its divisiveness but by the poor nature of its build quality. Division and poor quality individually are tolerable but together they are fatal.

* If you could define Meades’ style as passionate.


Johnny Forty Coats - February 15, 2014

“De mortuis nil nisi bonum” and all that, but I’ve always had an aversion to the orange/black combination. I don’t suffer from migraine, but I suspect that if I looked at an orange/black design for long enough the unpleasant tingling sensation in my forehead which the colours produce might develop into an attack.

That’s purely an aesthetic reaction: nothing at all to do with an aversion to Kilkenny hurlers or the loyal orders.

On the other hand, I quite like orange and blue. The first general election I can remember was that of 1969 when the Labour Party promised us the seventies would be socialist – on orange and blue posters. The only thing that went red in the seventies was the Labour Party’s livery.


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