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Irish Left Archive: Join the Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement Poster, c.1980s? April 2, 2015

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Irish Left Online Document Archive.


A very welcome addition to the Archive, a poster from the Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement (surprisingly there’s no page for the IAAM on wiki. This page for Kadar Asmal, who was a founder of the IAAM and a founder of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement has some detail on the organisation).

Many thanks to Alan of Irish Election Literature for forwarding this to the Archive.


1. hatfulofhistory - April 2, 2015

In case people are interested, here’s a short overview of the Irish AAM from History Ireland: http://www.historyireland.com/20th-century-contemporary-history/an-boks-amach-the-irish-anti-apartheid-movement/

And here is the website of the successor to the Irish AAM: http://homepage.eircom.net/~breadandroses/isaa.htm

Here is the SA perspective on Irish solidarity: http://www.sahistory.org.za/archive/some-reflections-irish-solidarity-struggle-against-apartheid-rafique-mottiar-0

And a book chapter on the subject: https://www.academia.edu/546153/The_Irish_Anti-Apartheid_Movement

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2. Jim Monaghan - April 3, 2015

Across teh water the South African cops had some agents in the AAM. The Kitson affair springs to mind. http://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1050/collaborators-and-the-anc/


3. Love Football, Hate Apartheid. | www.rabble.ie - January 26, 2017

[…] Photo by Fatin Al-Tamimi. Flyer from  the Cedar Lounge.  […]


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