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What you want to say – 15th June 2016 June 15, 2016

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

As always, following on Dr. X’s suggestion, it’s all yours, “announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose”, feel free.


1. gendjinn - June 15, 2016

Rand is concerned that Russia would defeat NATO in 60 hours. In the Baltic states. So obviously more monies must be spent to put more troops on Russia’s borders.

The jingoism over here about recent Chinese planes is loud, blind and almost universal. BHO/HRC == Truman 2.0.


Gewerkschaftler - June 15, 2016

The significant escalation of NATO’s position in Eastern Europe (all of it contrary to the agreement reached with Gorbachev after the collapse of the Soviet Union) is hardly reported in Europe as well.

When it is it is the usual stuff dictated by US/NATO lobbyists like Atlantik Brücke. Now there’s a heavily misleading/policed Wikipedia entry!

More money for the war-mongers! You know it makes sense.

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Ed - June 15, 2016

There was a very long article published in The Atlantic last month about Obama’s foreign policy by Jeffrey Goldberg, based on long interviews with Obama; a lot of interesting stuff in it, along with enough US foreign-policy boilerplate rhetoric, pretentious allusions to Hobbes (from Goldberg more than Obama) and whitewashing of America’s record in the world to make your teeth grind. But one interesting point was this: Obama clearly thinks all this overheated rhetoric about a new Cold War, Putin as the new Hitler etc. is a load of cobblers:

‘He described a relationship with Putin that doesn’t quite conform to common perceptions. I had been under the impression that Obama viewed Putin as nasty, brutish, and short. But, Obama told me, Putin is not particularly nasty.

“The truth is, actually, Putin, in all of our meetings, is scrupulously polite, very frank. Our meetings are very businesslike. He never keeps me waiting two hours like he does a bunch of these other folks.” Obama said that Putin believes his relationship with the U.S. is more important than Americans tend to think. “He’s constantly interested in being seen as our peer and as working with us, because he’s not completely stupid. He understands that Russia’s overall position in the world is significantly diminished. And the fact that he invades Crimea or is trying to prop up Assad doesn’t suddenly make him a player …

“Putin acted in Ukraine in response to a client state that was about to slip out of his grasp. And he improvised in a way to hang on to his control there. He’s done the exact same thing in Syria, at enormous cost to the well-being of his own country. And the notion that somehow Russia is in a stronger position now, in Syria or in Ukraine, than they were before they invaded Ukraine or before he had to deploy military forces to Syria is to fundamentally misunderstand the nature of power in foreign affairs or in the world generally. Real power means you can get what you want without having to exert violence. Russia was much more powerful when Ukraine looked like an independent country but was a kleptocracy that he could pull the strings on.”



gendjinn - June 15, 2016

More and more Putin is looking like the sole rational international actor playing the long game. Rational, not altruistic or beneficent.

Not getting bogged down in Syria for example.

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yourcousin - June 18, 2016

Obviously the Two Plus Four Agreement unified Germany. And it was during these negotiations that the Russians say that the promise for no NATO expansion was made. I find it odd that something that large would not be codified into some sort of final document if it was indeed agreed upon. It is worth noting that this is an area of contention with multiple views on it.

The other interesting thing regarding NATO expansion east is that by early 1990 in February/Marchish (so prior to the US deciding to push for expansion which came in the summer of ’90) both Hungary and Poland called for the expansion of NATO. And I think in this light NATO expansion with its article V clause meant a lot to countries and peoples who had been invaded regularly by Russia might want protection from what is an increasingly revanchist Russia who have no problem proclaiming that “it is not borders or state territories that matter”. This is the crux of the sovereign democracy shtick which Putin likes to trot out. Sovereign democracy is in essence a multipolar world order in which the golden rule is the main stay. Russia never has and has yet to actually want the same sovereignty it claims is its right extended to Eastern Europe.


“More and more Putin is looking like the sole rational international actor playing the long game. Rational, not altruistic or beneficent.

Not getting bogged down in Syria for example”


We must have very different understandings of rational. Please explain as my understanding is a little different from yours.

Please explain how Russia is not getting bogged down in Syria?


2. Gewerkschaftler - June 15, 2016

The distractions of sport.

While the papers get worked up about Russian/English football hooligans…

You might not have known it from the MSM but yesterday there were massive, brutally policed demonstrations against the new anti-worker labour laws in France. The CGT trades union claims there were 1 million people on the streets in protest throughout the country.

Nuit Debout report the usual agent-provacateurs were deployed among the so-called black block to justify violent repression by the police. At least 50 people were injured. At least one is in danger of loosing their life after been shot in the back by a gas cannister.


3. paulculloty82 - June 15, 2016

Saw this post on a football website – gives an uncanny insight into the mind of a typical Leave voter:

That’s maddening. What’s happened to the UK?

I think of a family.

They live in their own home in a leafy part of the Midlands or somewhere in the London commuter belt. They’re in their fifties, at least. He started out working manufacturing jobs or owning a small business selling groceries or electronics goods, she worked in admin in an office somewhere. They read The Times, The Telegraph and occasionally The Daily Mail. He votes Conservative because he likes to have some money in his pocket at the end of the week and Christ knows those Labour buffoons can’t be expected to look after the economy. He thought they’d finally picked a decent, credible leader in Blair but look what three Labour governments brought. Financial crisis, that’s what. Wrecked the entire global economy, they did. She votes Conservative because she’s damned if she’s going to let Labour wreck the housing market any more than they already have. She’ve a second mortgage to think about, after all. That flat in Doncaster that they rent out over the odds to that Polish couple. What’s that going to be worth after another five years of wasting money on benefit scroungers?

Benefits, that’s what gets to them. The country in the state it’s in, people having to scrimp and save – they wanted to buy a BMW, it was his dream car after all, but had to settle for a bloody Ford instead – and here we are throwing millions down the drain each week just so layabouts can take drugs in their squalid little flats or just use a physical injury as a bloody excuse not to work. Her mother reared ten children and had a bad hip and she still worked all the hours God gave her, dawn to dusk, and did she once complain? Did she get any benefits? No, she just bloody got on with it and didn’t complain, that’s what. Now, of course IDS has broken ranks with his party on this issue but what do you expect? Any Tory cabinet minister is operating under the mountain of regulations dumped upon them by the Germans and the French. How can he be expected to slash benefits altogether when he’s prevented from doing so by a squadron of goose-stepping little martinets in Brussels telling him how to do his job and dictating to the people of Britain, this great country, how to live their lives.

He seethes at this. They’re clever sorts, those Germans and French, he’ll say that for them. Couldn’t beat us with Panzers in 1945 so they did it via the backdoor with regulations, treaties, commissions and a mountain of beauracratic paperwork that’s shackled this country. All because of this bloody Union. And a union with what, exactly? A bunch of inflexible bastards with no bloody sense of humour. A nation of shirkers and cheesemakers who strike if they’re asked to work an extra five minutes after clocking-off time. A nation of gangsters who are so volatile and unpredictable they elected as prime minister a man who consorted with an underage prostitute from one of those ghastly North African colonies. The same goes for those wretched Iberians. And this is before we even get to the Balkans. Less than 20 years ago they were murdering one another, now they’re talking about letting them in?

No, this has to stop. Voting Conservative protected the UK from disintegration, from being ruled from Holyrood and from a Labour government that would have simply opened the floodgates to asylum seekers and immigrants as well as protecting the economy and house prices. They watch the news. There is an invasion going on. Every week hundreds from Africa, Syria, ISIS, Libya and God knows where else practically drown themselves trying to get here. Trying to get to Britain because they’ve heard it’s a soft touch. Turn up here and get free food, free houses, free cars, pay no tax and get a job at the end of it all too. Voting Leave will stop the flow. They don’t like that Farage fellow – too vulgar. Bit of a lush, obviously. But it can’t be denied he makes some good points as they both said to their son and his wife at the barbeque last Sunday. And Boris, well, he’s a character and in an age when politicians have become facelss middle-managers like Cameron maybe a bit of personality is what’s needed. He could be our generation’s Churchill, so they claim. He laughed when he saw that clip of Boris shutting down Michael Crick’s live report on his Leave speech in Manchester. She remembers the time he presented Have I Got News For You – my, how funny he was. He can laugh at himself and he doesn’t let little things get him down. That’s the British way. Yes, he’s got the right idea.

These are dangerous, frightening times. The Union – the real Union, the United Kingdom – is under threat like never before. For all their intransigent, backward and typically bolshy rhetoric Scotland saw sense in the end and realised which side their bread is buttered. They remembered that this was once called GREAT Britain and it can be again. But it was a close-run thing there for a while. ISIS are on the march. Look at what happened in France. That could happen here. It will happen here if we don’t stop more of them getting in. We lose £350 million to the EU every week just so we can make it easier for the jihadis to get in. They say there are parts of London where you can’t speak English on the street any more – or so they’ve been told. Is that what being in the EU means? Is this why his uncle Barry fought and died on the beaches of Normandy? No, it is not. Enough is enough. It’s time to leave.


gendjinn - June 15, 2016

I can’t tell if it’s serious or satire.


Michael Carley - June 15, 2016

Satire: it’s literate.


gendjinn - June 15, 2016

True 😉


4. gerardmadden - June 15, 2016

The CLR and the Left Archive gets a shoutout by German Connolly scholar Helga Woggon in an article in the latest issue of Socialist History which hails both as ‘remarkable for serious debate and research.’


5. Joe - June 15, 2016

German Connolly scholar Helga Woggon – Gewerkschaftler in disguise?


6. sonofstan - June 15, 2016

would that this were satire:


Unbelievable – women should leave it to men to tell men what women want because men only believe other men.


7. Starkadder - June 16, 2016

A British Labour MP, Jo Cox, has been badly injured by a man who
shot and stabbed her. She’s been taken to Leeds General Infirmary.

There are reports circulating that her attacker shouted “Britain First”
during the assault:



Starkadder - June 16, 2016

Man’s been arrested in connection with the Cox attack:


I wish Ms. Cox a speedy recovery.


Starkadder - June 16, 2016

As WBS has pointed out elsewhere, Ms. Cox has died. RIP. 😦



8. Gerryboy - June 16, 2016
9. tinder - June 16, 2016

sorry to hear abt. th english lady m.p., (lab.).
but in regard to F.G. and F.F. here, hv these two bought (or started to already) th next election? by giving pay demand to th luas workers.
there is no doubt these ar hard workers.
it is just that F.G. and F.F. don’t do anything, without a return.


WorldbyStorm - June 16, 2016

Interesting point.


10. Starkadder - June 16, 2016

Has anyone seen Farage’s disgusting new poster for Brexit? It demonises nonwhite people in a extraordinarily crass way:



11. Tomboktu - June 17, 2016

RTÉ is reporting that today is the 25th anniversary of the Internet in Ireland.


Odd. I was using the Internet in NIHE Limerick before then, in 1989.


gendjinn - June 17, 2016

BITNET and the arrival of IP.


Tomboktu - June 17, 2016

It was before the web, and I was using email and bulletin boards (especially soc.motss).


gendjinn - June 17, 2016

The glory days of gopher and telnet.


Michael Carley - June 17, 2016

And usenet, a discussion forum with no character limit and an open non-proprietary standard which nobody could monopolise.

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Tomboktu - June 17, 2016

Yep, it was usenet for soc.motss (and science stuff too).


12. fergal - June 17, 2016

A new book by a sociologist from ucd has come. It’s called ‘Meanings of Lice in contemporary Ireland’. Cost? 60 pounds sterling- which pretty much tells you all you need to know about contemporary Ireland and academia. A sociologist to boot!


sonofstan - June 17, 2016

tbf, academics are not really responsible for the price of academic books, nor is it confined to Ireland. the whole story is beyond a blog post, but here’s a few reasons:
overproduction – publication is so crucial to academic careers, that far too much is published. And, in order for the publisher to make a few bob – very little – out of the handful of university libraries that will comprise almost all of the likely market, prices such as the above are required. And £60 is not the top end by any means.
The dumbing down of the mass market. Every piece of shite from DeBotton keeps a real philosopher off the shelves of your local Waterstones, every ‘X made Simple’ every ‘What every voter needs to know about X’ keeps a real book away. Which sends serious work back to category 1 and exhorbitant pricing.


Cheap books – it might seem counterintuitive, but the fact that mass market books are cheaper than ever, means that there is a price resistance to anything at even a modestly higher price point, prices that would represent a realistic level at which publishers not able to rely on tiny margins but huge sales could work – and pay editors, translators, proof readers, designers etc. Instead, publishers in academic areas want the author to do most of those jobs, which is why you’ll come across appalling errors of spelling, grammar and fact from supposedly serious presses – obvious exceptions, such as OUP and Cambridge, but even there, I suspect privileged interns do most of the work. I have a book on my desk, from an academic press, with a typo on the spine. It cost me nearly £30

Had a conversation about publishing in france yesterday, where prices are higher generally, but the top end much lower – and the hardback/ paperback thing hardly exists. Everything comes in somewhere between 20- 45e, and genuine academic books get into FNAC.


fergal - June 17, 2016

And FNAC was/ is a cooperative, and students in France don’t pay 12,000 euros in tuition fees..
I see all your points sonofstan and I only have one word to say to you……still 🙂

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WorldbyStorm - June 17, 2016

That’s very useful as an overview.

On a slight tangent its great hear such works are in fnac…I love that shop, if I’m ever in Spain or France I make it my business to spend a couple of hours there.


ewolc - June 17, 2016

I won’t name names but I am aware of academics who either uploaded their books on certain well known piracy sites or are perfectly happy promoting the pirated file.


13. fergal - June 17, 2016

has come out! ..’Meanings of Life!


ar scáth a chéile - June 17, 2016

Thanks for correcting – after many letters from school over the years I was about to fork out the sixty quid for the intriguingly titled “the meaning of lice”

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fergal - June 17, 2016

-I know- i think I’d consider 60 quid on such a unique title too. I had to go through what felt like hours of torture with a steel fine comb many’s a time when younger- why???


14. roddy - June 17, 2016

Reminds me when our R.E. teacher told us 15 year olds that we would be covering euthanasia in “todays class”.I promptly wrote down “youth in Asia” and it took me several minutes to realise that we were’nt dealing with 3rd world poverty!


15. Joe - June 17, 2016

We had a teacher from Galway for commerce. He asked one of the class clowns to give him an example of an asset. “McGovern, give me an ixampil of an assit” “An assit sor?” said a much confused McGovern, his head clearly in turmoil as he was sure that this was indeed a commerce class. “Yes, McGovern, give me an ixampil of an assit”. McGovern, still bemused, replied: “Sor, hydrochloric assit”.
You probably had to be there.


Gewerkschaftler - June 17, 2016

That is deeply and reprehensibly disparaging of regional difference, Joe.

Go and stand in the corner.


Joe - June 17, 2016

Stand in the corner? More EU political correctness gone mad.
After Irexit we’ll restore traditional Irish values and it’ll be a painful pinch on the cheek and six of the best on each hand.


LeftAtTheCross - June 17, 2016

My 3rd class teacher, Mrs Donnellan asked for examples of words that sounded the same but had different spellings. One boy said “due”, so she asked the class for another word that sounded the same, so I volunteered “Jew”. Six of the best. After school I threw her yard rule into the brambles. The wagon.


16. roddy - June 17, 2016

In our first week at secondary school, our teacher from the wilds of Tyrone told us to repeat ANATHIN (anything) he said in Irish.Remember he repeated “ANATHIN” to which 21 lost souls responded in unison ANATHIN!


17. Gerryboy - June 17, 2016

In a RE class the teacher asked: What is despair and why is it a reserved sin if it leads to suicide?

Some religious boy finally answered: Despair is the spare wheel in the back of the car. It’s reserved in case of punctures.


18. Paddy Healy - June 17, 2016

FG, FF, Lab, and, Unbelievably, Independents for Change and Sinn Féin put those facing Repossession in the Hands of The Attorney General who previously advised that any significant interference with the private property of Banks and/or landlords was a violation of Constitution!!!


Recommendation o Commission on Evictions
· “Subject to advice of the Attorney General, the Government should introduce legislation for a moratorium on home repossessions until such time as the Government’s proposals are in place.”
Commission Fails to recommend a formal declaration of a housing emergency by Government!!!!! This will enable banks an landlords to continue evictions despite the spin in the Commission Report


oconnorlysaght - June 20, 2016

Isn’t this the Attorney General who was a Labour Appointment?


Paddy Healy - June 20, 2016

YES http://www.attorneygeneral.ie/ag/ag.html
The Attorney General, Máire Whelan SC was appointed on the 9th of March 2011 and reappointed on the 6th of May 2016.
Sinn Fein, FG, FF, Independents for Change, call on Government to seek EU permission to spend money on housing Irish Citizens


“The Committee also called on the government to urgently request flexibility from the European Commission on the application of fiscal rules for investment in tackling the crisis” Eoin O Broin SF SBPOST
Irish Sovereignty How Are YOU???


19. gendjinn - June 17, 2016

Scandals are rocking Bay Area police departments with Chiefs of Police being fired and “retiring”. San Francisco has been and continues to be embroiled in multiple racist and homophobic texting scandals. The Chief of Police was forced out by continuous protest and of the mayor & police.

Now Oakland Police (until very recently held the record (over two decades) of no prosecution of a police officer for any shooting. No matter how outrageous, nor how many previous shootings/killings an officer had on their record. Now they are embroiled in an child prostitution scandal that’s taken out the Chief of Police and his wife is an accused accessory.

The guy they got in to replace the Oakland PD chief, himself had to go after 5 days because of his own private scandal that wasn’t made public.

Sounds pretty awful but that’s how the police have largely been in the US throughout their history. It’s always been coming to light but people are done with not doing anything about it. OWS, #BLM, Sanders are all symptoms of the widespread resolution of a growing chunk of society that the current system is not working and needs to change. There’s a lot more and more effective protest. The election year is certainly a help with media attention. But the local news teams have been doing a great job of covering the protests, in the way their national owners do not cover national stories seriously.


20. ar scáth a chéile - June 18, 2016

Don’t know if CLR has called him on it already but did anyone see footie commentator George Hamilton giving out about the French strikers on the RTE Euros highlights show during the week. I like his show on Lyric but he has gone right down in my approval rating


ar scáth a chéile - June 18, 2016

And that reminds me, on a completely different topic ( the joy of WYWTS), the May edition of Village had a bizzare poem denouncing Northern poets , including the late Séamus Heaney. It was WDJ Gormanesque but without the humour. I thought it was a strange editorial decision to publish it in anotherwise strong issue.


Gerryboy - June 18, 2016

Whatever about the merits of poetry by Seamus Heaney or anybody else, there tends to be more publicity than critical engagement with poetry and novels by Irish writers in the reviews sections and programmes of newspapers and on RTE. We don’t go in for critical discussion of the arts in the same way as French intellectuals. An Irish book review consists of a lot of summary and description and not enough comparison with other writers contemporary or dead.


leftcooperation - June 20, 2016

I didn’t see/hear it. Didn’t he use to write for the SIPTU newspaper?


ar scáth a chéile - June 20, 2016

Unintentional ambiguity there on re-reading.
I meant Hamilton was was giving out yards about French workers being on strike – not the national team’s forward line.


WorldbyStorm - June 20, 2016

yeah, typical Hamilton. Unfortunately.


Michael Carley - June 20, 2016

Not quite in the same league as this.

He asked: “Why not just let those people go on strike and when they wanted come back and have done all their disruptions say ‘sorry your job is not there any more – sack’em?”



ar scáth a chéile - June 21, 2016

Hamiliton’s anti-strike whinge was on a footie show though, …and the presenters didnt exactly subject his views to rigourous cross-examination. Nothing unusal there it might well be said in relation to union bashing on RTE.

Is seems from what WBS said that Georgie has form on this


Michael Carley - June 21, 2016

Without wanting to get into competitive whinger-denouncing, Richardson was on the sports section of a news programme and he was calling for strikers to be sacked.

Bad form in both cases anyway.


ar scáth a chéile - June 21, 2016

Indeed. Sports pundits be warned. Confine your blather to your area of expertise. The CLRistas are on to you.

Ill be listening carefully to George on Lyric to make sure he stays on mesage.


21. oconnorlysaght - June 18, 2016

Some belated comments on Brexit:
1. The EU is not a state in the basic sense of the word. Its means of enforcing its decrees (when it wants to do so) are those of financial rather than police/military oppression, as with Greece last year.
2. It follows that, in or out of the EU, the democratic nature of British politics will not be affected.
3.As far as financial sanctions goes, it is ridiculous to compare Britain with Greece. Britain is the second economic power in the EU. it is not handicapped by the union from initiating legislation for good or ill. If the EU tries to interfere, it can remark, to paraphrase Andy Jackson, ‘the EU has made its decision, lets see it enforce it.’
4. The differences between UK & EU amount to no more than a difference between rival imperialisms.
5. In these circumstances, all things being equal, socialists voting in UK may abstain or vote to remain (albeit with the obligatory clothes pegs on noses).
6. Since, for a number of reasons, the Brexit camp has run a campaign concentrating on strengthening the forces that weaken those of the working people, it is best to vote ‘Remain’.

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22. roddy - June 20, 2016

Although Heaney flip flopped on political issues, one of his poems that really hits home is “The Toome road”.Maybe someone more computer literate than me could put it on here?


Dr. X - June 20, 2016

One morning early I met armoured cars
In convoy, warbling along on powerful tyres,
All camouflaged with broken alder branches,
And headphoned soldiers standing up in turrets.
How long were they approaching down my roads
As if they owned them? The whole country was sleeping.
I had rights-of-way, fields, cattle in my keeping,
Tractors hitched to buckrakes in open sheds,
Siloes, chill gates, wet slates, the greens and reds
Of outhouse roofs. Whom should I run to tell
Among all of those with their backdoors on the latch
For the bringer of bad news, that small-hours visitant
Who, by being expected, might be kept distant?
Sowers of seed, erectors of headstones…
O charioteers, above your dormant guns,
It stands here still, stands vibrant as you pass,
The invisible, untoppled omphalos.


Michael Carley - June 20, 2016

He also wrote Craig’s Dragoons, to the tune of Dolly’s Brae:
Come all you Ulster Protestants
And in full chorus join,
Think on the deed’s of Craig’s Dragoons,
Who struck below the groin,
And drink a toast to the truncheon
And the armoured water hose,
That mowed a path through civil rights
And spat on papish clothes.

We’ve gerrymandered Derry,
But Croppy won’t lie down,
He calls himself a citizen
And wants votes in the town,
But that Saturday in Duke Street,
We slipped the velvet glove,
The iron hands of Craig’s Dragoons
Soon crunched a Croppy dove.

MacAteer and Curry, Gerry Fitt and others too,
Were fool enough to lead the van
Expecting to get through,
But our hero commandos, let loose at last to play,
Did annihilate the rights of man
In the noon time of the day.

They downed women and children
For Teagues all overbreed,
They used the baton on men’s heads,
For Craig would pay no heed,
And then the boys placed in plain clothes,
They lent a loyal hand,
To massacre those Derry boys
Behind the Crossley van.

Oh, William Craig, you are our love,
Our lily and our sash,
You have the boys who fear no noise,
Who’ll batter and who’ll bash,
They’ll cordon and they’ll baton charge,
They’ll silence protest tunes,
They are the hounds of Ulster boys,
Sweet William Craig’s Dragoons.


23. Joe - June 20, 2016

Michael is ahead so far in the battle of the uncle toms. Martin will have to pull it out of the fire on Wednesday. Hard to see it barring papal injunction on our Italian brothers to go easy on us.


24. Michael Carley - June 20, 2016

On June 13, 2016, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Central Intelligence Agency released 50 documents detailing its application of so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques” — a.k.a. torture — on terror suspects.

These documents offer few new revelations and are far from comprehensive in their scope. Many are heavily redacted.

But they’re still horrifying. In torturing criminal suspects, sometimes to death, the CIA — and by extension the United States — unambiguously joined the ranks of the world’s most brutal regimes.



25. Gerryboy - June 20, 2016

More French media praise for the conduct of Irish soccer supporters dans la belle France. This paragraph appears in the fortnightly periodical, Le Point magazine:

“Les supporteurs irlandais, escortés par des policiers français à l’issue de la rencontre Belgique-Irlande, ont chanté à la gloire des forces de l’ordre tricolores, qui leur ont répondu avec de l’humour et de l’autorité.”
[The Irish supporters, escorted by French police at the end of the Belgo-Irish encounter, sang the glory of the tricolore (French) forces of order, who responded to them with humour and authority.]

Keep up the good humour lads!


26. Michael Carley - June 20, 2016

The alleged killer of Jo Cox mentioned the murders of George Seawright and John McMichael in his letters to a pro-apartheid South African magazine.



27. ar scáth a chéile - June 20, 2016

Surprisingly little coverage of the shooting of Syrian refugees by Turkish border guards including “Three children, four women and one man ” according to Guardian .Nothing on RTE mobile news site as far as I can see, for example.

I would have thought such actions by the state to whom the EU has sub-contracted out its responsibilities under the Refugee Convention would have merited more attention . Apparently not..


Gewerkschaftler - June 21, 2016

You would think so. But out of sight…

The German national and regional media gave reasonable prominence to the story.

The whole reliance on Erdogan’s Turkey to export the violence of exclusion against the victims of violence bred in ‘the west’ is as depressing as it is shameful.


28. Gewerkschaftler - June 21, 2016

Jeepers. It must be mid-summer!

3 in the post noon and the some species of dance music from SO 36 is loud enough to penetrate the dank walls of my subterranean fastness. Very tempting to go out and join them.


Gewerkschaftler - June 21, 2016

And it’s scratch-and-sniff Löw night. The most fun in the Euros is currently to be had watching the German trainer standing around trying to remember not to stuff his hands down his kegs. Or pick his nose.

But can I stand to watch Northern Ireland without significant narcosis, that’s the question?


29. Paddy Healy - October 16, 2016

Family Home With Several Children In Clonlara Co Clare : Possession Recovered by PEOPLE POWER AND
ANTI- EVICTION TASK FORCE After House Shuttered up
By Security Firm Earlier in the Day
STOP EVICTIONS http://wp.me/pKzXa-wc

Congratulations To All Involved
Footage of the events which took place on Friday Oct 14 can be found on the Facebook Page of Patrick Banjo Hannon and by scrolling down to view several posts

Let us stop the Evictions by People power.

If anybody knows of a planned eviction in advance, please ring me so that I can spread the word. Mobile 086-4183732.
Can we set up a private list of telephone numbers for texting?

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30. Paddy Healy - October 18, 2016

Full Report http://wp.me/pKzXa-wc

Video of incident- Pat Hannon



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