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They led people to the top of the cliff and then wondered why they jumped? June 25, 2016

Posted by irishelectionliterature in Uncategorized.

Started looking at some of the UK Election leaflets that I have to see if I could find many examples of Anti European discourse (outside of UKIP etc). Sadly it was a simple enough task. The whole narrative of Europe being bad being echoed not just by The Daily Mail and other publications but in the Political mainstream too. The below is from a Conservative MEP ……. they led people to the top of the cliff and then wondered why they jumped?




1. WorldbyStorm - June 26, 2016

Excellent way of putting it IEL. +1


irishelectionliterature - June 26, 2016

The best thing about that leaflet is that after all the anti European bile…. there’s a competition to win a trip to Brussels!

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2. Michael Carley - June 26, 2016

Combine that with a couple of decades of Labour saying we mustn’t criticize racists.

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Gewerkschaftler - June 26, 2016

Yes – that’s been our great failing generally over the last few years, not being able to split the died-in-the-wool racists from the people screwed by capitalism looking for a scapegoat.

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3. Gewerkschaftler - June 26, 2016

It just struck me today that this could lead the the revival of the Lib Dems – especially among younger voters – reconfigured as the only explicitly pro-EU party, with a platform to go into coalition to force another referendum on EU membership.

Horrendous but possible.


irishelectionliterature - June 26, 2016

I think they are already claiming an influx of new members


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