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Corbyn increasingly popular July 19, 2016

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Who would have thought it? Not those spectacularly inept members of the LP parliamentary party.


1. Gewerkschaftler - July 19, 2016

Broken link I think – and I don’t want to link the the Guardian in BLP matters, right now.

But here’s a good quote from J. Corbyn re Trident:

Party policy is also to review our policies.


sonofstan - July 19, 2016

I just signed up as a supporter In order to vote – I’m actually a member, at least for the time being, but in the eyes of NEC not the right kind of member – the last question on the fiorm asks you why you want to support the LP. I wrote ‘for a socialist future’ which will probably disqualify me.


Jolly Red Giant - July 19, 2016

red rag to the blairite bull SoS.


2. gendjinn - July 19, 2016

Yer guardian link is mangled. I wonder if it’s a related to their auto-updating on the page?


gendjinn - July 19, 2016

YouGov poll gives Corbyn 24%/22% leads against Eagle/Smith respectively.


Ed - July 19, 2016

Is that among party supporters or the general public?


sonofstan - July 19, 2016

Party members


Jolly Red Giant - July 19, 2016

Party members entitled to vote under the new rules.

The word is a that 2000 new members are taking a class action against the LP because they are not allowed to vote.


3. Liberius - July 19, 2016

Click to access TimesResults_160718_LabourMembers_Website.pdf

The Yougov data pack, for anyone interested in the numbers.


4. sonofstan - July 19, 2016

Just found an email in my junk folder from the local CLP announcing the postponement of the AGM on instructions from the NEC, but inviting me to an informal ‘social evening’. Hmmm


WorldbyStorm - July 19, 2016

Don’t go. WP “socials” were a nightmare around the time of the 1990s split 😉

Liked by 1 person

sonofstan - July 19, 2016

I’m in Ireland when it’s on an’anyway. *foreign agitator*


WorldbyStorm - July 19, 2016

Yeah, that’s your story!


5. Dermot O Connor - July 19, 2016

Holy crap! JC beating either of those two by 20 points, and in the comments, his pos ratings go up from +3 to +14.



WorldbyStorm - July 20, 2016



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