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The new Foreign Secretary of the UK… July 20, 2016

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Jesus Christ. He’s rubbish.


1. damonmatthewwise - July 20, 2016

“You may well think so, I couldn’t possibly comment!”

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2. Tomboktu - July 20, 2016

Would it be possible for anybody who’s said what he has said in the past to deal with the question in a polished — or even barely competent — way?

Is the situation not so much that he is rubbish but that his leader is rubbish in appointing him to that job?

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3. John Connor - July 20, 2016

The idea of BoJo following in the footsteps of Lord Palmerston is mind-boggling – it’s a sign of how far the Empire has fallen.

Assuming T May isn’t rubbish (and that could be a big assumption – I’d say she got where she is by looking serious and not giving interviews), the only thing I can think of is that BoJo is being lined up to make a speech in a few years which starts……

“I have tried my very best and I assure you this is the best deal we can get. Things will get better in the next 30 years.”



WorldbyStorm - July 20, 2016

I think that’s very likely actually.


4. lamentreat - July 20, 2016

It’s like the Tories are giving him a punishment beating.

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WorldbyStorm - July 20, 2016

Yes, and in a way that links to Tombuktu’s point too, that this is a very public shaming.


5. sonofstan - July 20, 2016

Remember all the talk about Brian Cowen’s intelligence when he took over?


gendjinn - July 21, 2016

No. You telling me there was some?


sonofstan - July 21, 2016

Talk, yes. Intelligence, not so obvious…


sonofstan - July 21, 2016


Here’s an example though, and if you google ‘Brian Cowen’s, intelligence’, you’ll get an embarrassment of encomia to his genius.


6. lamentreat - July 21, 2016

One distasteful aspect of that scene was the way in which the American journalists hit Johnson with ferociously tough questions in a tone they would never ever use with an establishment American politician. I have no sympathy for Johnson, but there is something vile about that kind of kiss-up-kick-down US mainstream reporter.


WorldbyStorm - July 21, 2016

Fair point. Be good if some British reporters returned the favour. Or even if the US journalists were a bit better at doing it in the first place.


gendjinn - July 21, 2016

US pols simply refuse to go on tv shows with anchors/hosts/panelists that have asked them hard questions before.

Chris Todd accidentally told the truth, confirming what had been obvious for over a decade, when he was promoted to Meet the Press.

I mean, that’s if there were any left that would ask a hard question, or repeat it until answered.


gendjinn - July 21, 2016

Chuck Todd


7. fergal - July 21, 2016

Very telling when Kerry tells the reporter that the US ambassador to the EU and UN went to Oxford with Bojo…


ejh - July 21, 2016

Mind you so did I

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