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More from John Halligan… August 9, 2016

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

…and last week’s Hot Press interview with Jason O’Toole. Quite a lot actually, where he talks about socialism (again), the WP, gay marriage, neutrality, Clare Daly and Richard Boyd Barrett and… that small bit of bother in Maynooth. 


1. dublinstreams - August 9, 2016

hes now enforcing the continuation of US (and other countries) military flights


dublinstreams - August 12, 2016

Shannonwatch “Good to see John Halligan is sticking to his opposition to the US military use of Shannon. In the run-up to the election he signed our Peace Pledge saying he would only join or support a Government that will give a written commitment to the immediate ending of the US military use of Shannon Airport.” https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10154328740826501&id=268685181500 well then he broke his pledge, what a bizarre statement


WorldbyStorm - August 12, 2016

Interesting. Wonder if he’ll be asked to square that circle.


dublinstreams - August 12, 2016

the pledge has more qualifiers in http://www.peacepledge.ie/sites/peacepledge.ie/files/PeacePledge.pdf The immediate ending of the US military use of Shannon Airport, unless such use is in
strict compliance with international laws on neutrality; etc


2. irishelectionliterature - August 9, 2016

Great interview, wouldn’t agree with everything he says but he comes across well.


3. roddy - August 9, 2016

Great to see that the North Korean connection was really about teaching them Irish dancing1

Liked by 1 person

LeftAtTheCross - August 10, 2016

We can only hope that the Sinn Fein meeting with the Israelis was restricted to that topic also.


Tawdy - August 10, 2016

Poor auld Roddy seems at sixes n sevens. The brain slower than the fingers.

Indeed S F showing its true self in more ways than one.


4. roddy - August 10, 2016

The Palastinians regard SF as their greatest allies in Ireland,even describing Martina Anderson as their ambassador to the EU.


LeftAtTheCross - August 10, 2016

Ah sure that’s ok then, no harm in secret meetings with Likud so, nothing to see here, move along.



Tawdy - August 10, 2016

Ha ha jay sus Roddy, take a deep breath there now son.


5. roddy - August 10, 2016

Have the Palistinians complained ? Meeting someone at the request of a peace group and emphasising the plight of the Palastinians does’nt seem to draw the ire of the people most oppressed by Israel.It does seem to be of great interest to resident unionist Tawdy and those who swapped weapons and intelligence with the UVF for decades.


LeftAtTheCross - August 11, 2016

Well it seems that some of the Palestinians are in fact complaining Roddy.

The headline reads “Palestinians urge Sinn Féin to end Likud meetings”.



6. roddy - August 11, 2016

SF’s solidarity with the Palistinians is via their close relationship with the Palistinian authority which this group obviously opposes.Interesting that a stick should be quoting a group mentioning support for the Irish people “that SF knows all about” and the plight of “Catholics and Nationalists” under the Britishyoke” and protestant state for a protestant people” You see when the Provos were cooperating militarily with the PLO and ANC,your mates were cooperating with the UVF and RUC and campaigning for a return to a majority rule Stormont.


LeftAtTheCross - August 11, 2016

That’s the same PLO and ANC whose commitment to overturning capitalism lasted just as long in power as SFs? Yep.


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