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What you want to say – 13th September, 2017 September 13, 2017

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

As always, following on Dr. X’s suggestion, it’s all yours, “announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose”, feel free.


1. Aengus Millen - September 13, 2017

I had a question for WBS and those who were around in the 80’s especially if you were (or had been?) involved in the workers party. How was their treatment compared to the AAA-PBP especially after they made a sort of breakthrough in 1989. Obviously AAA-PBP is treated super well but they will be asked to speak on RTE and places like that every once in a while. Was it the same for the Workers Party or were they isolated?


Joe - September 13, 2017

My memory would be that, after they got the seven TDs elected, WP were not isolated – they got a fair enough crack of the whip in the media. Probably less isolated and unfairly treated than Solidarity PbP today.
A factor would be that WP had members working in RTÉ and the mainstream media.

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WorldbyStorm - September 13, 2017

There’s certainly something in that though it was a short two years from 89 and the 7 TDs to the split. :). Or should that be 😦

Its hard to compare because so much has changed, media and all. But one key comparison but is the difference between the treatment of wp and the progressive Democrats who had gushing treatment in media, etc. Another key issue was coverage of wp in relation to the oira which was a marked difference with Sol/PBP (and while in the mid 80s to a degree the heat faded on oira links they were back in the media big time as the party got more TDs). Not to say the latter don’t get a hard time but its a different sort of hard time.

Very interesting question

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Aengus Millen - September 16, 2017

meant to say isn’t there*


2. CL - September 13, 2017

“Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will introduce legislation on Wednesday that would expand Medicare into a universal health insurance program with the backing of at least 15 Democratic senators — a record level of support for an idea that had been relegated to the fringes during the last Democratic presidency.”

“Hundreds of Hillary Clinton fans packed into the Barnes & Noble in Union Square Tuesday morning ahead of a book signing by the vanquished presidential contender.”

“Thousands of people lined up outside the Barnes & Noble at Union Square in hopes of meeting their idol. Some slept outside the night before.”


WorldbyStorm - September 13, 2017

Am I wrong to wish she hasn’t written that book until much later in the day? She just cannot be objective which I get on a human level but politically its absurd


CL - September 13, 2017

There’s money to be made right now by Hillary the non-candidate. There are also reports that she is to charge large amounts for admission to the book signings. Seems like fake news.
“VIP tickets – which include reserved premium seating, a photo with Clinton and a signed copy of “What Happened” – cost a whopping $375, each”

” Hillary Clinton comes before us to account for this monumental failure, to tell us What Happened. Unfortunately, her new book is less an effort to explain than it is to explain away.”-Thomas Frank


WorldbyStorm - September 15, 2017



3. Paddy Healy - September 13, 2017

Very deepgoing processes are now developing in respect of Irish unity. This is being fuelled by the proposed Brexit but had been initiated prior to Brexit. It is important to understand that northern nationalists were not defeated in the 30 year war. They are still a “risen people”. Already a nationalist backlash against unionist arrogance and provocation forced Sinn Féin to withdraw from the Stormont executive. If Sinn Féin stayed in office at Stormont with Unionists when a more restrictive border was introduced as part f the Brexit process, the party would be hugely damaged. Sinn Féin cannot go there. Already a new “principled” republican mass movement is developing in the framework of the “1916 Societies” . This is a political movement. Suggestions by Sinn Féin that the many branches north and south are merely military adventurers or “dissos” are competely false. Tyrone is the cockpit as ever. The growth of the left republican 1916 societies is the mst important development on the left in recent history.
The political impossibility of even the most right wing branch of nationalism(FG) being responsible for a more restrictive border is already evident. The impact on the mainstream forces of a new restrictive border is illustrated by the fact that my posts below havebeen widely shared widely in the 6-counties
Denis Bradley on Prime Time
“There can be no new border”
Fergus Finlay
“But the only possible way for us to protect the interests of the people of this entire island is by declaring that there will be no border on the island, not under any circumstances.”
Fergus Finlay, Former Assistant to Dick Spring, Irish Examiner
Full Article http://wp.me/pKzXa-Vu
“So, does that mean tiochfaidh ár lá? I don’t know, and it’s not from that perspective I’m saying it. But the only possible way for us to protect the interests of the people of this entire island is by declaring that there will be no border on the island, not under any circumstances. A border between Britain and the EU can only be achieved by Britain leaving Ireland”
Paddy Healy: What Must Be Done –Blog Aug 16, 2017
“Because of this sharpness given to the National Question by the proposed Brexit, I believe that all Socialists , Republicans and Nationalists including Sinn Féin should tell The British Government, the EU and the 26 Co government that no new restrictions on the movement of people or goods across the current border will be tolerated. Any such proposals will be met by united mass marches in towns on both sides of the border”

These should culminate in two mass marches of an All-Ireland character, the first in Belfast the second in Dublin


Gearóid - September 13, 2017

These should culminate in two mass marches of an All-Ireland character, the first in Belfast the second in Dublin

I’ll fly back home for that 🙂


CL - September 13, 2017

“The growth of the left republican 1916 societies is the mst important development on the left in recent history.” Paddy Healy
. With Gerry Mcgeough as one of its main apeakers.


“He accompanied Justin Barrett on a lecture tour of Irish towns in March 2004, in support of the latters’ unsuccessful attempt to become a member of the European Parliament.[8]

In May 2006, McGeough, as editor, and Charles Byrne, a 28-year-old from Drogheda, launched a monthly magazine called The Hibernian, dedicated to “Faith, Family and Country”. The magazine had articles espousing the views of Father Denis Fahey and also promoted the Society of St. Pius X.[8] McGeough is associated with the Ancient Order of Hibernians.[8]


WorldbyStorm - September 13, 2017

Jesus, is McGeogh still floating around. Good spot CL. Not a good sign is it?


CL - September 14, 2017

“A Canadian gold mining firm has turned down a request by the Ancient Order of Hibernians to access land in Co Tyrone where locals say a Mass rock is located….
Dalradian Gold has claimed there is no evidence of a Mass rock on its land, …
Tyrone AOH president Gerry McGeough last night said the parade will go ahead as planned.
“The English red coats could not deter our ancestors from honouring our faith and nor will this outfit deter us in our generation,” he said.


4. Tomboktu - September 13, 2017

Have any CLR commenters got advice on buying a bicycle in Dublin?

Based on the research so far, I reckon I need a hybrid or city bike (though I don’t know the difference between them).

The intention is to use it to cycle to work a few days a week – approx 12 km. I’m of an age (and weight) where I won’t be wearing Lycra top with pants with the ‘behind here is my bum’ patch, face down over the handlebars to reduce wind resistance as I win the Giro every morning on Ormond Quay.

There’s both too much intension and not enough out there. Any guidance on triaging it to filter out well-disguised commercial promos, material for people in the USA, and the useless ‘think about what you need’ abstractions would be most welcome.


WorldbyStorm - September 13, 2017

Hybrid best I would say, nothing over 750 euro on cycle to work scheme, brands near enough irrelevant


Gerryboy - September 13, 2017

Preventing your bike from getting nicked is a major problem. The Kryptonite u-lock is something that may defy Supercrook, and there’s a nifty device they call a wet arse saver! May the spokes be with you.


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6to5against - September 13, 2017

Bought a hybrid for about 450 last year and find it really good. I’ve had a look at a few in the 800-1000 category since and they’re a good bit lighter, but I’m not sure how much that matters.
I think the brand is ‘Jupiter’. At least that’s what’s written on it….

One thing I’ve learned is how important it is for the smooth working of gears etc, to keep the bike dry. Indoors if possible, but covered with a tarp at least.

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WorldbyStorm - September 13, 2017

Hybrids are great. +1 re tarps etc.


alanmyler - September 13, 2017

I can’t claim to be a city commuter but I do a fair bit of leisure cycling and would really recommend the BTWIN brand from Decathlon. There’s a branch up in East Belfast beside the George Best airport and the exchange rate at the minute is very favourable. They do a straight bar version of the Triban 500, it’s a road bike rather than a hybrid so it’s a bit lighter. Costs around 300GBP or perhaps less. I’ve done 4.5k on my one and no issues with it.

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alanmyler - September 13, 2017

Actually it’s 260GBP so less than 300€. Link is here https://www.decathlon.co.uk/triban-500-flat-bar-road-bike-black-id_8322664.html

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Tomboktu - September 13, 2017

I saw the list of approved retailers for the cycle-to-work scheme. It includes shops in Belgium, the North, and Britain. I may be wrong, but I think there was even a shop in Switzerland on it.


GW - September 13, 2017

I do recommend disk brakes for wet climates. Not that Ireland ever gets that wet. 🙂

Hi viz site workers vest & helmet.


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GW - September 13, 2017

Oh and shell out for good puncture resistant tires. A few extra yoyos is well worth all that time fixing punctures.

Schwalbe Marathon, but I’m sure there are others.

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GW - September 13, 2017

cycling helmet I meant not a hard-hat – although it might be nearly as effective.


WorldbyStorm - September 13, 2017

Yeah, I got a bike on the cycle to work scheme this year with disc brakes and got to say they’re pretty great.

+1 re helmet. I know there’s schools of thought but I come down on the better something protecting the head than nothing side.

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alanmyler - September 13, 2017

Old joke. What do neurosurgeons call cyclists without helmets? Organ donors.

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Tomboktu - September 13, 2017

Many thanks for the advice and tips. A pal offered the following advice in an email which I think merits sharing:

Advice: go to a couple of bike shops, near you if possible. Get a handle on whether they’re bike snobs or not – you don’t want bike snobs (you’ll know em when you see em). Places that sell kids bikes are a good bet.


6to5against - September 13, 2017

That matches my experience exactly. Two shops to pick from: one would sneer at you for wanting anything less than a grand, and sniff at anything that weighed more than a kilo. The other, with loads of kids bikes, had all the serious cycling stuff available, but weren’t pushy at all. Their attitude was there’s no point in buying a sports bike to go down to the shops. They were also much cheaper on repairs.

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5. Michael Carley - September 13, 2017

They’ve finally gone completely mad. Airships on the border.



GW - September 13, 2017

Brilliant, just brilliant.

A row of these trolling up and down Lough Macnean. With adverts for British surveillance technology on the sides.

Away with the fairies, the lot of them.


Dr. X - September 13, 2017

“A new life in the off-world colonies”

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Starkadder - September 13, 2017

Expect the “Who watches the Watchmen?” graffiti to spring up any day now….


6. Tomboktu - September 13, 2017

The EU web page to mark 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome has a video message from Aung San Suu Kyi.



7. Paddy Healy - September 13, 2017

I have delayed my reply until I had received clarification from Tyrone 1916 Societies
CL said: ““The growth of the left republican 1916 societies is the most important developments on the left in recent history”-Paddy Healy
With Gerry Mcgeough as one of its main speakers”
CL clearly stated that Gerry McGeough was a “main speaker” for the 1916 Societies. I would have accepted that this was a genuine error on behalf of CL, if he had mentioned the second “of its main speakers”. This was Tommy McKearney, well established left winger, hunger striker and chief organiser of Peadar O’Donnell Socialist Republican Forum.
As can be seen at the link to the Pensive Quill supplied by CL in his post, the meeting was not a meeting of a branch of the 1916 Society. It was a meeting of the James Connolly Society, Cill Íseal, Co Tyrone. Gerry McGeough and Tommy McKearney, both well-known Tyrone Republicans who had spent time in jail, were “guest speakers” at a meeting to commemorate The 1916 Rising. 1916 Society had simply circulated notice of the meeting!!!!
On Friday 26th February, the James Connolly Society Killeeshil are holding a talk on the 1916 Rising, the Proclamation and its Signatories, putting them in their historical context and discussing their relevance in Ireland today.

Local republicans Tommy McKearney and Gerry McGeough will be guest speakers on the night.
The main speech at the 2015 James Connolly Commemoration in Edinburgh was delivered by Pól O’Scanaill, National Organiser of the 1916 Societies
Full Text Here

Pól O’Scanaill Speech At Connolly Commemoration

James Connolly, Himself, COULDN’T HAVE PUT IT BETTER!!!

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CL - September 13, 2017

‘The James Connolly Society is affiliated to the 1916 Societies’

1916 Societies


Alibaba - September 15, 2017

Paddy, you say ‘Already a new “principled” republican mass movement is developing in the framework of the “1916 Societies”.’  Really? I simply don’t know. You take issue with CL implying that Gerry McGeough was a speaker at a society meeting and point out that ‘It was a meeting of the James Connolly Society’. But, as noted by CL, ‘The James Connolly Society is affiliated to the 1916 Societies’ as evidenced by the relevant website. You say ‘Gerry McGeough is not a member of 1916 Societies as alleged by CL’. I didn’t read it that way. Instead, I noted that an affiliated group to ‘One of these societies invited McGeough to give a public address.’; you don’t dispute this. 

I see that you ‘liked’ one of your own posts. Such self-regard will not convince readers of the validity of your arguments, and that’s to put it kindly. But more to the point is this: Do you seriously think it appropriate for Leftists to provide a speakers platform to those who pontificate in a misogynistic and homophobic way (as in the case of McGeough, say)? And why would we politically align ourselves with those who advocate such reactionary views? By the way, I don’t disagree with the essence of the points you made about Thomas Ashe and religion, but I do insist that challenges must be made against those who cross the line about basic human rights. 


CL - September 16, 2017

The fascist Gerry McGeough and the right wing AOH are not supporting the 1916 societies because they are the ‘most important development on the left in recent history’.
Paddy Healy is confusing traditional Irish nationalism with left republicanism. This is politically regressive.


8. roddy - September 13, 2017

The “1916” societies name themselves after various participants in the rising and this Killeeshil society would be one of them.Trust me Paddy,you’re too far away to know the score on the ground.The 1916 societies are a collection of anti SF cranks and McGeough fits in well with them.Tommy McKearney should’nt lower himself by having any involvement with them.


9. Paddy Healy - September 14, 2017

Gerry McGeough is not a member of 1916 Societies as alleged by CL
Roddy could not be suspected of being unbiased in any matter relating to Sinn Féin. Last time the 1916 societies were “dissos” and “drunks”. Now they are “cranks”. The societies have already had a march of 2000 cranks in Dublin. There are hundreds of 1916 society members in Dublin in several branches.
On Sunday week, 24/09/2017, thousands of “cranks” will march from GPO to the grave of Thomas Ashe in Glasnevin
Labour party leaders called myself and Joe Higgins “cranks” for opposing coalition with Fine Gael. Goulding and De Rossa called Danny Morrison and Sean Keenan cranks. The new “stickies”, on their way to coalition with FF and FG, call Pól O Scannaill, Frank Quinn and Sean Bresnahan Cranks. And so it goes on! It was ever thus!!!
Read speech of Pól O Scannail
Full Text Here

Pól O’Scanaill Speech At Connolly Commemoration

Some crank???


CL - September 14, 2017

“The growth of the left republican 1916 societies is the most important developments on the left in recent history”-Paddy Healy

One of these societies invited McGeough to give a public address.

Left wing organizations do not give public platforms to fascists.


Jim Flynn - September 14, 2017

Paddy has gone into orbit?


10. GW - September 14, 2017

Has anyone been following the Catalan referendum showdown?

Spanish police will be deployed to confiscate ballot boxes, Spanish post has been ordered not to deliver ballot papers for the referendum on Catalan independence on October 1st. The Spanish state has threatened Catalan politicians with jail.

Extraordinary lengths to go to to prevent a referendum and a centralist state demonstrating its contempt for its regions.


GW - September 14, 2017

It’s more than possible that there will tens if not hundreds of thousands on the street to prevent these attacks against democratic process by the nationalist state.


11. bjg - September 14, 2017

UKIP’s space cadet: http://www.ukipdaily.com/aidan-powleslands-statement-leadership-election/. One of his leadership campaign promises:

A VASIMR asteroid belt mining rocket (£2bn) to generate 0.15% of UK GDP from the belt by 2027. A crewed interstellar ship design (£0.1bn). An unmanned interstellar probe prototype (£0.09bn), a flying aircraft carrier (£0.35bn) other (£2.46bn)

h/t The New European http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/brex-factor-blowing-doors-1-5194585



12. Tomboktu - September 14, 2017


Starkadder - September 14, 2017

Freudian slip? 😉


WorldbyStorm - September 14, 2017



Tomboktu - September 15, 2017



jc - September 15, 2017

Yep. Andy Borowitz is a brilliant satirist. He catches people with his plausible tone all the time.


13. bjg - September 14, 2017
14. Paddy Healy - September 15, 2017

1916 Societies
Thomas Ashe Centenary Commemoration.
Sun 24/09/2017 2 PM • Dublin Glasnevin • Dublin
Assemble GPO 2 pm
March To Glasnevin Cemetery
Speaker: Tommy McKearney

I am going……….


CL - September 15, 2017

“Let me carry your Cross for Ireland, Lord!
for the cause of Roisin Dubh.”- Thomas Ashe.


15. Paddy Healy - September 15, 2017

In response to my notice of the commemoration of Thomas Ashe by the 1916 Societies CL has posted: “Let me carry your Cross for Ireland, Lord!
for the cause of Roisin Dubh.”- Thomas Ashe
In the context of his earlier misleading tirades against the 1916 Societies this can only mean that Thomas Ashe is not an appropriate person to be commemorating and that the commemoration confirms that the 1916 societies are not left wing. This appears to be due to the use by Ashe of religious imagery to express his anti-imperialist determination.
This is nonsense.
Firstly, Sinn Féin is rightly to hold its own commemoration of Thomas Ashe shortly.
Ashe was a determined to free Ireland from British colonial rule and died on hunger strike in British custody in prison. He was a brave, heroic and self-sacrificing anti-imperialist fighter. Connolly rightly allied the Citizen Army with Ashe and other non-socialists in the 1916 rebellion.
Like Lenin, Connolly had come to the conclusion that an alliance with other anti-imperialist forces in colonially dominated countries was a key strategy to further the socialist cause.
To make a pre-condition for such an alliance that allies such as Ashe, Pearse and Plunkett renounce their religion would have played into the hands of the British occupiers.
As Ireland remains un-free and lacks all vestiges of sovereignty the same considerations apply to day.
Refusal of Irish socialists to ally themselves with revolutionary nationalists against imperialism because such nationalists retain their religion or do not agree to the full socialist programme is a continuing problem contributing to the ineffectiveness of the Irish left.
The 1916 Societies and all Irish republicans and socialists are right to commemorate Thomas Ashe


CL - September 15, 2017

““The growth of the left republican 1916 societies is the most important developments on the left in recent history”-Paddy Healy

To describe the traditional nationalists of the 1916 societies as left wing is patently absurd. Here in NYC their main support is from the right-wing sectarian AOH.


16. Paddy Healy - September 15, 2017

Any experienced person who judges the political stance of an Irish Republican organisation based on the composition of its US supporters must be serving another agenda.
Read This!
Sinn Féin Support in the US Irish Times, Denis Staunton, Sat, Mar 7, 2015, 05:20
The picture that emerges is of a highly professional fundraising operation and a vast and diverse donor base that reflects Sinn Féin’s appeal among Irish-Americans of all social classes. The party has retained its support among traditional Irish communities and within organisations such as the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the county associations, as well as in the trade union movement. But it is also popular among Irish-American professionals and business people and among more recent Irish immigrants and it appeals to both Democrats and Republicans.


17. CL - September 15, 2017

“““The growth of the left republican 1916 societies is the most important developments on the left in recent history”-Paddy Healy

The 1916 Societies have given a public platform to the fascist Gerry McGeough.
To call this organization the ‘most important developments (sic) on the left in recent history is ridiculous.

On October 16th, 1916 Societies New York attended an event in honour of the Irish Deportees run by Martin Galvin, President of the AOH Division 5, in Bronx NY

“John McDonagh (JM) interviews Martin Galvin (MG) via telephone from the home of Gerry McGeough in Dungannon, County Tyrone about the recent events he attended in Ireland. ”


18. Paddy Healy - September 15, 2017

This is just another attempt to suggest that events which are quite common in Irish America prove something about Irish republican organisations. For example pro-British Journalist Ruth Dudley Edwards attempts to blacken Sinn Féin by associating it with Martin Galvin the chief republican funraiser in US. Gerry McGeough is not and never has been a member of 1916 societies. It is not at all surprising that leading AoH members McGeough and Galvin should speak on the phone. Wouldn’t Gerry Adams or the 1916 Societies be foolish not to accept an invitation from Martin Galvin to attend a meeting?You are trying to take advantage of the lack of knowledge of Irish america on the Irish left in orderto mislead.Anybody who reads the Speech of Pól Ó Scannaill at the James Connolly commemoration can see that AOH has no political influence in 1916 societies.
Read speech of Pól O Scannail
Full Text Here

Pól O’Scanaill Speech At Connolly Commemoration

Events will prove that my estimation is correct


19. Paddy Healy - September 16, 2017

“The growth of the left republican 1916 Societies is the most important development on the left in recent history “ I stand over this statement and I expect to be proven to be correct by future developments.
The political nature of an organisation is not determined by minor events which could be due to mistakes, incorrect information or some short term matter. It is determined by the political programme of the organisation and what major political actions the organisation carries out.
In my view this can be best illustrated by answering particular questions
A: 1916 Society CALLS AND WORKS for elections to an All-Ireland Parliament to replace the partition institutions at Leinster House and Stormont and for a complete British Withdrawal from Ireland. These are essential demands in colonially dominated Ireland in order that an organization be deemed to be opposed to imperialist capitalism.
SINN FÉIN, on the other hand, has participated in a British Colonial Administration at Stormont-a major capitulation to imperialist capitalism. Sinn Féin and the Provisional IRA has agreed to the disarming of the Irish liberation army while crown forces remain in Ireland. Republican principle has traditionally required that arms be hidden and preserved on the cessation of hostilities. This is for the very good reason that it must be possible to recommence the campaign for Irish unity and independence at the first opportunity.
Recent history has also shown that protection of the nationalist population requires the availability of arms to defend against attacks by loyalists and crown forces. The surrender of arms places the wellbeing of Irish citizens in the hands of crown forces and the neo-colonial regime at Leinster House.
Sinn Féin has now expressed its wish to join the neo-colonial regime at Leinster House even as the minority party in a capitalist coalition government. This involves accepting the EU Fiscal Treaty to which FF and FG are wedded. “He EU treaty flies in the face of the 1916 Proclamation”-Caoimhín O Caolain TD in Dáil
The Brexit proposal by the British Government shows that the ceding of Sovereignty over the six counties by Sinn Féin to the Britain in the Good Friday Agreement has damaged the interests of the Irish people.
The Sinn Féin leadership has removed the organisation from revolutionary politics despite the many excellent rank and file activists in Sinn Féin
It is not surprising that apologists for the capitulation of SF would use any and every device to malign the 1916 Societies


Joe - September 16, 2017

By cripes Paddy. What a load of codswallop.


Paddy Healy - September 16, 2017

That is what Goulding said about me when I supported Danny Morrison, Sean Keenan and Maire Drumm.
You are welcome to the “new stickies” in Sinn Féin!


CL - September 17, 2017

1916 societies at Bodenstown.

Much here that can be supported from a left perspective, but with support from the AOH and giving a platform to the fascist Gerry Mcgeough the left republican credentials of the 1916 societies are suspect.


20. CL - September 16, 2017

The end of Tammany, finally?

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21. ar scáth a chéile - September 17, 2017

I recall a few months back some Cederistas were dismissive of Counterpunch’s left wing credentials because of Diane Johnstone’s views on Le Pen . I find the quality on Counterpunch can vary wildly but there are some good regulars there.Jeffery St. Claire’s ‘s weekly take on US is usually worth a look . And Anthony Di Maggio I rate highly – here’s his useful summary of US free speech case law from this week :


22. Tomboktu - September 17, 2017

Piketty has an interesting blog on Le Monde this week. The opening paragraphs are a response to a particular development in France, but he uses that as a hook to make a more general argument for deep-seated change in how capitalist firms are governed.

Sometimes people think that the rules defining the power of shareholders and employees in joint-stock companies were fixed for once and for all in the 19th century: one share, one vote and that’s it! In reality, this is not true. In the 1950s, the Nordic and German-speaking countries adopted legislation which completely changed this balance. The stated aim was to promote ‘codetermination’, that is genuine power sharing between capital and labour. These rules were consolidated over the decades. At the moment, the employees’ representatives thus hold half of the seats on the executive boards of the major firms in Germany and one-third of these seats in Sweden, independently of any capital shareholding. There is a very broad consensus over the fact that these rules have contributed to an improvement in the involvement of the employees in the strategies of German and Swedish firms and, in the last resort, to greater economic and social efficiency.



23. Tomboktu - September 17, 2017
24. Alibaba - September 18, 2017

Ibrahim Halawa is acquitted of all charges after four years in jail.

Varadakar jumps on the Ibrahim release wagon prompto:

“The Government will facilitate his return home at the earliest opportunity.

“I want to acknowledge the consular and diplomatic work undertaken on Ibrahim’s behalf by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Irish Embassy in Cairo throughout this lengthy process.

Oh yeah, they phoned the authorities and were told “We do not interfere in the judicial process” and off they went saying “Okay”.


CL - September 18, 2017

Good news, finally. But he spent years in jail.


Alibaba - September 18, 2017

Absolutely. Bad enough to be imprisoned for so long where there were no real grounds for charges. I suppose being an “Irish citizen” was a factor in his release. More significantly perhaps is the fact that his family members and supporters showed such determination and unremitting efforts in bringing him home, remarkably how these things count.


CL - September 18, 2017

Yes, and the delegation of TDs that went to Egypt on his behalf surely had an effect.


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