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Dublin Bay North: Welcome to the Fine Gael political jungle… July 10, 2018

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

The SBP had a piece on one constituency a couple of us here are well familiar with – that being Dublin Bay North. Apparently Catherine Noone, FG senator and former chair of the Oireachtas Eight Amendment Committee is looking at the constituency as a political base for the next election. She was one L. Varadkar’s running mate in Dublin West in 2016 to no great effect.

But as the SBP reports, it’s not as if a constituency that has Richard Bruton as a sitting TD is short a few FG candidates. Already Stephanie Regan, a former FG candidate has resigned.

In a statement she claimed that “Fine Gael headquarters have indicated that they are keen to only have Senator Catherine Noone on the ticket with Minister Bruton”.
Ms Regan said resisting headquarters is “quite an arduous battle”.
“The drain of energy and the negativity are an anathema to the positive life I like to live and to the positive mental health work that is core to who I am personally and professionally.


“Fine Gael headquarters do not take kindly to those who have different views to themselves,” she said.

Then there’s Aoibhinn Tormey (daughter of the peripatetic Bill who never seemed to see a party he didn’t like the look of to run for there). But there’s also former Lord Mayor Naoise Ó Muiri. Tormey has expressed her displeasure too at ‘attempts to impose a candidate’.

Should FG win a second seat in DBN? It’s already a ferociously competitive constituency. None of this is likely to make it less so.


1. irishelectionliterature - July 10, 2018

I noticed that FG selected only Colm Brophy last night in Dublin South West. I wonder given that FG lost out on the last seat in 2016 by 150 votes is Catherine Noone being considered as a running mate for Brophy.


2. Joe - July 10, 2018

FG candidates and potential candidates in DBN are probably also eyeing the fact (?) that this will probably be Richard Bruton’s last go. So his seat, their vote, will be up for grabs the next time.
I’ve heard it speculated that Brian Hayes MEP might be interested in Bruton’s Dáil seat when the day comes.


irishelectionliterature - July 10, 2018

Hayes is originally from Clontarf I think.

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Joe - July 10, 2018

Yep, I think so. It was an FG insider who mentioned it to me. But he also said DBN or Dub Nth Central as it was, is a constituency that’s often mentioned when a high profile person is being looked at to be parachuted in somewhere – FG Head Office reckon it’s natural territory for them and they always think it has the potential for two seats.

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