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Le Gach Dea-Ghuí don Athbhliain December 31, 2018 December 31, 2018

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

…to everyone who comments, lurks, reads, helps or writes for the site. Also, a word for similar minded sites such as An Sionnach Fionn, Workers’ Playtime, Ben’s site, Phil’s NZ site, Come Here to Me, East Wall etc, and so on keeping on keeping on. Somehow the CLR are entering our twelfth year and that’s down to input from all of you (oh and a shout out to Aonghus on the Left Archive without who… and that’s sincerely meant. BTW if you have docs you think might fit the Left Archive all welcome). Thanks a million – you know who you are and it’s always appreciated. Roll on 2019.


1. Tawdy - December 31, 2018

Yer welcome and a revolutionary new year to one and all.


WorldbyStorm - December 31, 2018

And to you Tawdy. Who is in a sense one of a number of western correspondents on this site.


2. Joe - December 31, 2018

Beir beannacht WBS and all.


WorldbyStorm - December 31, 2018

And to you and see you in a few days. Roll on 2019.


3. Gearóid Clár - December 31, 2018

Athbhliain duit. And to those others who put so much work into hosting great political, social and historical blogs.


WorldbyStorm - December 31, 2018

Including yourself, a chara, if I may point to your thoughts earlier this year.



4. WorldbyStorm - December 31, 2018

And to mention Michael Taft’s blog to the above. And anyone that I’ve missed or people would like listed please add links in in comments…

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5. alanmyler - December 31, 2018

A progressive and resistant-to-fascism new year to you all. I’m somewhat fearful of what will bubble up from the swamp in the local and European elections next year I must admit. We might be needing more than blogs to fight that. But every bit does help.

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WorldbyStorm - December 31, 2018

A lot more than blogs, couldn’t agree more!

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6. benmadigan - January 1, 2019

Thanks for the citation WBS – here’s my new year Wishes, particularly to Scotland. It’s make or break time for them and I have no idea how Sturgeon will go!

Best wishes to all for 2019 – Is mise Eire agus Alba

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7. Alibaba - January 1, 2019

Happy New Year and good health to you all, meaning we can get involved in action as well as keeping an eye here. Cheers!

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8. lcox - January 1, 2019

Happy New Year WBS and all! Thanks for keeping the site going – really important to have a thoughtful and non-sectarian space on the Irish left to develop our collective intelligence and preserve the memory of the class 🙂

In our wee neck of the woods 2019 has started well with the actual end of the 8th amendment. Still work to do but it is a pretty decisive victory by any standards. Not to underestimate all the other challenges but church power has hung over our heads or around our necks in many different ways (and been one of the main go-to explanations for the weakness of the Irish left).

The state has yet to find a way of undoing the defeat they suffered on water charges – and housing occupations in particular have left them with the odd red face. Not to mention events at Strokestown…

Meanwhile across the Atlantic the Zapatistas have kept their revolution alive for 25 years against all the odds – while it looks as though Rojava may yet survive depending on how the elephants make love.

Fingers crossed – and here’s to seeing some more wins in the coming year.


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