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The biggest political waste of time in 2018 January 10, 2019

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Okay, the IT podcast was asked what was the biggest waste of time – some interesting answers came up (no, not Brexit, it wasn’t a slightly different question). The Presidential Election was one, the other was raised by Jennifer Bray…and this I think is entirely correct, the incessant predictions as to ‘when the election would happen’. And of course no election took place and in retrospect there was never a clear window for one to do so. I’ve been sceptical from the off about an early election, and could envisage this government going another year quite easily.

But what of other wastes of time politically (no, not Brexit). Any thoughts as to what occupied people when they could have been better employed on anything else?


1. EWI - January 10, 2019

The current love-bombing of non-western nations by the FG government in pursuit of a Security Council seat.

Nobody is fooled by a polity which is nowadays half-in/half-out of NATO and the emerging EU power, now proudly venerates and claims the atrocity that was WWI, is no longer saving people in the Mediterranean but instead enforcing that border, doesn’t give tuppence for the Palestinians, hosts a major US airbase in its wars and dirty war activities (Shannon) and has been acting as an auxiliary to French legacy colonial wars in Chad and Mali (not to mention the underhanded deployments to Afghanistan etc. in support of the GWOT).

And dropping the apolitical Irish-language naming of the new NS vessels in favour of a long-past golden age of English-language writers was cute (one is now named for a pacifist, the other for a fascist sympathiser).


WorldbyStorm - January 10, 2019

Broadly agree with everything you write but a particular +1 re naming the vessels.


CL - January 10, 2019

In fairness one is also named for a writer who composed his work in French and participated in the French Resistance.

Liked by 1 person

Pasionario - January 10, 2019

And he also wrote a novel called The Unnamable!


2. GW - January 10, 2019

The Paris Agreement on Climate Change. All promises, no sanctions and very little oversight. A planetary problem addressed in terms of nations.

And the science is already probably out of date. Climate breakdown under capitalism is happening faster than we hoped.


Alibaba - January 10, 2019

Sadly, so true.


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