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Too great a challenge? June 12, 2019

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

One can only sympathise with the person at the heart of this story here…

The government official in charge of delivering “frictionless” Brexit border arrangements, including emergency plans for Dover and Ireland in the event of no deal, has quit just two years into her job.
Karen Wheeler, director general of Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs Brexit border delivery group, was the lead official coordinating a cross-Whitehall response involving police, ports, customs and freight interests.
Her departure is being seen as a blow to the government and increasing the risk that the UK will not be as prepared for a possible no deal on 31 October.

But this is truly amazing:

“Nothing is happening in Whitehall now. Lots of people have been stood down on Brexit no-deal preparations and there is a general risk that people are just going to see this hiatus as an opportunity to clear off and go into the private sector,” said a source who knows Wheeler.

And here’s a thought:

Joe Owen, the Institute for Government’s Brexit programme director, … noted.
“There is likely to be even more churn in the levels below, even if it’s not as visible externally,” he said. “By October, with the Brexit deadline rapidly approaching, the officials in some of the key no-deal jobs could have been in post for little more than a few months.”

Hey, what could wrong there?


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