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Moon Landing Redux August 17, 2019

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Did anyone get to Apollo 11, the documentary using footage from the time? I missed it while I was away over the Summer, but looking forward to seeing it released on DVD or Blu-Ray.

Meanwhile, for a very good take on the Moon landing, try Cosmic Vertigo podcast on Australian ABC RN which I also missed while I was away. Ten short, five minute, spots take the original transmissions and work through each stage of the landing from lift-off, to landing, to splash-down. For such visual events there’s a remarkable evocative aspect to the radio transmissions. Highly recommended.


1. EWI - August 17, 2019

A lot of Apollo-related discussions at Worldcon this week, as well.

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WorldbyStorm - August 17, 2019

I’m away from Dublin til tmrw evening – would have been v interested in it


2. CL - August 17, 2019
WorldbyStorm - August 17, 2019

Hah, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar!


3. Alibaba - August 17, 2019

I saw the documentary and it was very well done, but far too given over to technical issues for my liking.


4. Timble - August 17, 2019

This podcast series from BBC World Service: ’13 minutes to the Moon’ is excellent – one of the best I’ve encountered – I assume it uses similar source material as the film and sounds similar to Comic Vertigo. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w13xttx2/episodes/downloads

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