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Scotland April 30, 2024

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Some level of turmoil in politics in Scotland with SNP First Minster Humza Yousaf stepping down on Monday.

The scandals around his predecessor, Nicola Sturgeon, are staggering in a way. The calls for the return of John Swinney are intriguing. But even that points to the peril that the SNP finds itself in.

There’s a grain of truth in Alastair Campbell’s argument that the SNP as a broad-based party focused on independence needs to win to remain coherent. When it stops winning, the cracks are more difficult to paper over. We’ve seen that in countless other cases.


1. Dolores - April 30, 2024

Can someone please explain why the SNP and Greens lost their coalition arrangement? Or (like FF and Lab back in the day, or FF and the Greens in more recent times) for no good reason other than failing to get along?

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banjoagbeanjoe - April 30, 2024

SNP reneged on some agreed Scottish govt climate goals. Greens said no you dont, SNP wouldn’t back down, Greens walked. AFAIK.

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Wes Ferry - April 30, 2024

Scottish Greens were going to hold an EGM vote in four weeks on whether to stay with the co-operation agreement after Yousaf abandoned the goal of reducing emissions by 75% by 2030, arguing that it was “beyond what we are able to achieve”. Greens also upset at Scottish Government welcoming the suspension on prescriptions of puberty blockers for under-18s.

Yousaf acted first (and ineptly) by unilaterally ending the Bute House Agreement, incensing the pro-independence Greens who then indicated they would vote with the Tories and Labour unionist parties in no-confidence motions to topple the SNP First Minister.


Dolores - April 30, 2024

Scottish Greens were going to hold an EGM vote in four weeks on whether to stay with the co-operation agreement after Yousaf abandoned the goal of reducing emissions by 75% by 2030, arguing that it was “beyond what we are able to achieve”.

Then it’s on the SNF.

The ICC climate targets are non-negotiable, if we don’t want a future where the past twelve months look like a really ‘good’ year.


2. Wes Ferry - April 30, 2024

The Scottish Parliament on Tuesday evening overwhelmingly voted to support the principles of the Members Bill by Scottish Greens MSP Gillian Mackay for 200-metre safe access zones (also known as buffer zones) to stop anti-choice campaign groups from targeting and intimidating people outside hospitals or other abortion service providers.

The Bill will now progress to stage 2 where it will receive further scrutiny ahead of a final vote at stage 3.

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3. Wes Ferry - May 2, 2024

Labour motion of no confidence in Scottish Government fails

A MOTION of no confidence in the Scottish Government lodged by Labour has failed at Holyrood . . .

70 MSPs voted against the motion, while just 58 voted for it. There were no abstentions.

Alba’s Ash Regan voted with the Tories, Labour and LibDems to bring down the Government. 

The National, Scotland

Scottish Greens and SNP MSPs voted against the Labour motion.

Alba is led by Alex Salmond, former leader of the SNP.

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