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Recognition of Palestinian state by the Republic of Ireland May 22, 2024

Posted by guestposter in Uncategorized.

RTÉ following it here.


1. alanmyler - May 22, 2024

Good to see it happen.

Worth pointing out of course that Ireland is hardly the first country to recognise the State of Palestine. Most of the world already does so. It’s just the USA and it’s Cold War allies in Western Europe and the formerly British Empire settler states of Canada / Australia / New Zealand who are holding out on that recognition. In other words “the international community”, the ones that matters as it were. Pffft.


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Hamid - May 22, 2024

Settler states going to stick together. As well as Israel’s chief support, outside the US, from rightwing authoritarians and outright fascists.

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2. Hamid - May 22, 2024

Israeli foreign minister Katz:

I have instructed the immediate recall of Israel’s ambassadors to Ireland and Norway for consultations in light of these countries’ decisions to recognize a Palestinian state.

I’m sending a clear and unequivocal message to Ireland and Norway: Israel will not remain silent in the face of those undermining its sovereignty and endangering its security.

This distorted step by these countries is an injustice to the memory of the victims of 7/10, a blow to efforts to return the 128 hostages, and a boost to Hamas and Iran’s jihadists, which undermines the chance for peace and questions Israel’s right to self-defense.

Israel will not remain silent – there will be further severe consequences. If Spain follows through on its intention to recognize a Palestinian state, a similar step will be taken against it.

Let’s see those ‘further severe consequences’

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Paul Culloty - May 22, 2024

Moreover, when said ambassador has spent the last seven months effectively trolling the Government, her recall becomes somewhat less of a diplomatic punishment.

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Hamid - May 22, 2024

Apparently the Irish, Norwegian and Spanish ambassadors are to be summoned to a tirade by the Israeli govt, complete with a video with footage of the Hamas attacks.


Wes Ferry - May 22, 2024

Not the diplomatic done thing, I suspect, but ambassadors being carpeted by Israel should bring laptops and A3 posters with statistics and images of Israel’s carnage in Gaza.

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Colm B - May 22, 2024

Yes, let’s hope they withdraw her and never sends replacement.

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Hamid - May 22, 2024

She’s not leaving quietly:

Ms Erlich also questioned why the Government has decided to take “this step” at the current moment.

“How does this benefit the people of Gaza, and why now, in the midst of a war that Hamas launched not just on Israelis but the abuse that they are holding against their own population?”

She added: “What will happen in Gaza most importantly, how does this help the people of Gaza?”

“Today waking up to this news, how does this help them under the Hamas regime? Brutal, cynical regime that they have been dealing with.”


As opposed to the regime that’s cut off the power, water and food, and is openly determined to have famine and disease finish whatever a massive bombing campaign can’t achieve.


Hamid - May 22, 2024
WorldbyStorm - May 22, 2024

Don’t know if that’s some randomer on the internet or whatever but the obvious response is in this island we have people sharing power who had very very difficult histories given the people they’re sharing power with. No fan of Arlene Foster but she was on a bus that was bombed by the IRA – her own father was subject to a murderous attack etc. similarly on the part of nationalists and Republicans. John Hume beaten off the streets by the RUC and armed unionism, SF members with family members or friends murdered by the security forces. There’s a crass naivety about the take in that tweet that is sickening.


3. Hamid - May 22, 2024

So I see that the Human Rights Lawyer leading the BLP still hasn’t made any comment on the ICC findings. He *did* find time to go to some Israeli embassy-sponsored events and gush about them on his Xitter feed, though.

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Wes Ferry - May 22, 2024

Not holding my breath either for Starmer’s response to his Norwegian Labour Party leader counterpart, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, today joining Ireland and Spain in recognising the State of Palestine.

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4. tomasoflatharta - May 22, 2024
Liam O - May 22, 2024

Respectfully, I find it rather in bad taste to use this day and this thread to share a polemic on a different conflict attacking unnamed leftists for their alleged hypocrisy. Personally I have disagreed sharply with the positions of a few small leftist organisations on Ukraine, their failure to express solidarity with the Ukrainian people; but your post risks coming across as whataboutist and instrumentalising the Palestinian cause.

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alanmyler - May 22, 2024

Agreed. Honestly I don’t normally bother reading the TOF posts but I did read this one and my reaction to it was the same as yours. I don’t understand why someone would bother trying to make everything into a vehicle for attacking others on the Left. Not a healthy passtime IMHO.


5. Hamid - May 22, 2024

Israel is also introducing diplomatic sanctions against the Irish ambassador including not inviting her to briefings, not sending her updates and delaying answering requests from the embassy.



This in the context of an attempted Israeli embassy ambush of the three heads of the Irish govt last night, a silly stunt that was in motion at that Chief Rabbi investiture


6. Hamid - May 22, 2024

The Kahanist security minister Ben-Gvir:

“The countries that have today recognised a Palestinian state are rewarding murderers and aggressors, and I say this: we will not even allow the declaration of a Palestinian state”


Energy minister Eli Cohen:

Spain, Ireland, and Norway want to give a state to these monsters who murdered, slaughtered, raped, and kidnapped our people. They want to reward terrorism. From the river to the sea, there will be one state: The State of Israel.


I feel like the ICJ and the ICC will be very interested in these and other Israeli govt threats being made today


Hamid - May 22, 2024


The intention of several European countries to recognize a Palestinian state is a reward for terrorism.

80% of the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria support the terrible massacre of October 7.

This evil cannot be given a state.

This would be a terrorist state. It will try to repeat the massacre of October 7 again and again; we will not consent to this.

Rewarding terrorism will not bring peace and neither will it stop us from defeating Hamas.

’Judea and Samaria’ is the Israeli settler name for the West Bank, which Netanyahu today once again opened up further to colonising expansion.


Hamid - May 22, 2024

Israeli finance minister Smotrich now reportedly going to withhold transferring any future taxes due to the Palestinian Authority.

For a diplomatic development that Israeli sympathisers are rather keen to cast as nothing special, that’s quite some developing backlash in response.


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