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That Midlands North West debate May 22, 2024

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Here’s a thought. Does anyone believe that the debate on Monday changed anyones minds about the candidates? I can’t believe that it pushed the needle much one way or another. But perhaps that’s just me? Then again some of what was said might push people away from some candidates. 

The Irish Times noted that the format was too constrained, too many candidates, too little time. Though that said I thought the number involved wasn’t excessive. But whether viewers would sit through a longer debate is a different matter.

There’s two more to go. One on the 30th which will look at the candidates – well, some of them, in Ireland South. 

4th of June sees a selection from the Dublin Constituency. 


1. NFB - May 22, 2024

Hard to see much substance in such debates. That many candidates would be fine if the thing was controlled in terms of interruptions and meaningful in terms of questions asked and answers dissected. But when the provider of the debate has to consider viewer numbers and ad revenue, such things become tertiary.

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WorldbyStorm - May 22, 2024

It’s a real old mess. I guess it made me think some were better/worse. But if I had a vote there I’d have a pretty solid idea who I’d vote for from the off.

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Wes Ferry - May 22, 2024


If you’re watching any of these debates at all, you’re probably a likely already committed anorak 🙋🏻‍♂️ or a worryingly undecided voter. 😉


2. irishelectionliterature - May 22, 2024

There’s a Dublin debate on RTE Radio one at the moment…. I turned it off. It’s not exactly Charlie v Garrett or the Sean Gallagher bagman one.

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3. Wes Ferry - May 24, 2024

Michelle Gildernew to stand down from Fermanagh & South Tyrone seat

Sinn Féin’s Michelle Gildernew has confirmed that she will not contest the upcoming general election on 4th July.

Ms Gildernew, served as the party’s MP for the area from 2001 until she lost her seat in 2015 to the UUP’s Tom Elliott by 530 votes before winning it back again in 2017.

Earlier this year it was announced that she would contest the European Election in the South for Sinn Féin in the Midlands-North-West constituency in an election which is set to take place on 7th June.

Announcing that she will not be contesting the upcoming general election, the former Agriculture Minister said that representing the people of Midlands-North-West will be her sole focus.



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