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Picture of North Inner City campaigns May 23, 2024

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

Interesting pen picture of North Inner City ward – with short interviews with Christy Burke, Niall Ring and Janet Horner. I know this ward all too well. 

Trying to work out who to vote for and in what order in the ward is quite the challenge. Because it’s not who one is voting for alone, but who one is voting against. Any thoughts – avoiding names of those who don’t need to be publicised on the site? 


1. banjoagbeanjoe - May 23, 2024

I did a mini-tour of the area on my bike yesterday. Checking posters. Not many of Christy Burke that I could see. The racist has a good few but no more than most of the other main candidates. Not that many SF posters and only for one candidate that I could see.

I’d assume yer man is the overtly racist candidate most likely to be elected in the city. Hope voters don’t let that happen.

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WorldbyStorm - May 23, 2024

Just on SF, think they’ve divided the place up so some are being focused in one area and some in another. I wonder at that strategy. Three candidates isn’t it? We’ll see.

Yeah, I see a lot of GP posters. Fine Gael also. And Ring though perhaps a few fewer.

On the ground my perception is that the candidates who’ve done the most in terms of door knocking etc and leaflets over the past five years are, in descending order: FG (been to the door twice loads of leaflets), Ring (continual stream of updates), Burke (once or twice at door), GP and SF (less frequent leaflets but regular enough). All others being AWOL, next to no leaflets, etc.

As for that other feller, never had a leaflet through the door until a week or two ago. Not even in the context of the last year. SFA effort.

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banjoagbeanjoe - May 23, 2024

Yeah. You would wonder about SF. I sense a lack of energy compared to previous years.

Hopefully the other feller’s supporters aren’t cut out for election work. Him not getting elected would be just gr8.

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Wes Ferry - May 23, 2024

It will be interesting to see how many votes The Cursed One garners beyond his immediate home patch and how he fares against well-established, already elected Independent rivals Burke and Ring, as well as others.

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banjoagbeanjoe - May 23, 2024

Burke’s posters describes him as “one of our own”. Tom O’Connor of Labour is afaik from Sherriff St and has a record of involvement in football in the area. Ring is a local too even if he has, like Burke and indeed the bad lad, moved out to live elsewhere. There’s a couple of other local indos too afaik. Hopefully people will vote for the better ones of their own.

Where’s AdoPerry for this conversation. They should have some feel for how the seats might shake out?

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Wes Ferry - May 23, 2024

‘One of our own’ is a longstanding slogan of Burke’s – before asylum seekers and refugees became ‘an issue’, though some voters might see it as related in the current climate.

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banjoagbeanjoe - May 23, 2024

You’re right Wes. It is a slogan of his for a long time now. Fair enough. There’s a lot to be said for a local rep being local, having grown up about the place. And there’s no harm in someone who’s moved in more recently and maybe aspires to some day be “one of our own”, no harm in them putting themselves up either, no matter what skin colour.


banjoagbeanjoe - May 23, 2024

Oh and one last thing. On my bike tour, I spotted a tattered but still legible poster on a railway embankment railing. It read “Build Public Housing”, “Vote Éilis Ryan”, “Workers’ Party”. Good poster. Good times.

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AdoPerry - May 23, 2024

It’s a tough constituency due to candidate numbers, voter apathy and mixed blend of community. A lot of candidates trying to pull from one or two localities.

Here’s a surprise – the Greens got a better vote last time around Sheriff Street than Nial Ring. Why? The new apartments down there. The locals voting pattern is very low there but new residents came out. Hence it’s hard to judge. Christy Burke has deliberately only put up a few posters as his record stands for itself.

Fine Gael with a single candidate should be safe. Soc Dems are running two candidates, basically a Gannon one and a leadership one and probably Ennis, a local sports worker to take a seat. The Labour Party has the difficulty of running a candidate only chosen four weeks before the election. Costello stood down and gave his seat to a female colleague who herself then stood down (for family reasons) a month later. Add in the running of O’Callaghan, ex-Labour candidate, and they may be in trouble.

The Shinners are divided over the candidate selection process but Janice Boylan is a certainty. They really need two seats to make the breakthrough the polls were suggesting in Mary Lou’s backyard.

Keep an eye out for Geraldine Molloy, an extremely hard worker running as an Independent. She is very well got locally and was part of Anthony’s team.

The Greens should retain a seat despite their dropping in polling figures.

Not sure how Ringer is getting on. Bit low profile but has a solid enough base.

And what about “himself”? I think he’ll poll better than he has before but will fall short. A candidate here needs 800+ votes to stay in contention and I think that’s beyond his grasp. He hoped his Euro profile would garner him more publicity but he’s a very small fish in the Euro campaign.

Every chance I’m off with some of these thoughts, so ask me again in a few weeks 😀. For legal reasons, I’ll not fill in all the gossip . . .

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roddy - May 23, 2024

Could you not give us the gossip without naming names but giving enough info to make the villains guessable?!!!!

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WorldbyStorm - May 24, 2024

Think ex-WP for the euros, and before that ex everyone in the world, candidate from the late 2000s. Say no more.


Tomboktu - May 24, 2024

I haven’t seen any posters for himself for the euros or my way, which says himself hasn’t got a proper euro campaign in place. Has he put up posters in the local area?

(Does a dual run allow a candidate legally surge more and/or reclaim expenses?)


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