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GA(AI): Not so intelligent May 26, 2024

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

What to make of the news that the GAA used AI generated imagery on a programme. As noted in the Irish News:

The GAA has said the use of artwork created by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for match programmes was “experimentation” after the images were criticised by artists and fans.

Comic book-style AI illustrations featured on the cover of the matchday programme for Sunday’s Tyrone vs Kerry U20 All-Ireland football final in the U20 All-Ireland football final.

Imagery created by AI also featured on the cover of the programme for Clare vs Tipperary in the Munster hurling minor final earlier this month.

On Saturday, the images were shared on social media by artist Barry Masterson, who has produced artwork for soccer match programmes published by the FAI.

Problem being, well, manyfold. Firstly the imagery wasn’t much good:

The Co Longford-born artist criticised the covers and other imagery featuring in the programmes, which included glaring errors typical of AI ‘art’. In one image, the bar on a faceguard of a hurler appeared to enter his mouth. In another the fist of a player appeared misshapen, which is common in such imagery as current AI software often has difficulty recreating accurate hands and feet.

As Masterson noted, though, there’s ‘a ton of Irish artists who specialise in GAA illustration you could commission and support’.

Elsewhere he noted:

Other things pointed out included ‘gibberish’ language on helmets and soccer goals in the background. 

“The reaction has been – a much bigger reaction than I expected honestly,” Barry said.

“On a weekend like this – there’s a tonne of matches. Each match needs a match programme.”

“I totally understand they probably have deadlines they need to hit.”

“It felt like a bit of disrespect to their customers that they don’t think people deserve something better than this.”

“They decided to use A.I. art without understanding the implications.”

Despite being somewhat sympathetic for the deadlines, Barry said it’s a bit of a worrying trend for freelance illustrators.

“Nobody is being paid for their labour. I think it’s absolutely fine when the programmes feature photography.”

The GAA’s response?

Responding to the criticisms, a GAA spokesperson said: “We are constantly trialling new ideas for our match programme covers and this was a case of experimentation from our publishing partners’ graphic designers.”


1. Séamus - May 26, 2024

The covers were truly terrible, one even featured soccer nets in the background. How the GAA felt it was okay to give them the go-ahead is a total mystery.

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2. banjoagbeanjoe - May 26, 2024

That’s small beer compared with what I heard in the pub after the game yesterday.

A certain millionaire has allegedly paid off every ref in country. Watch Limerick v Waterford today. A draw in that game will eliminate Cork from the competition. Which might be what a very rich person wants.

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NFB - May 26, 2024

He must have missed one.

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banjoagbeanjoe - May 26, 2024

Whatever happened to honour among thieves?

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Tomboktu - May 26, 2024

so he’s really a friend of the bookies who’ve raked in the cash from people being on banjo’s tip.

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3. irishelectionliterature - May 26, 2024

Barry Masterson does programme covers for the FAI, I have a few Irish Women’s teams programmes with his art on them.
As far as I am aware the GAA contract out programmes to a company. I think the Company then has to sell all the advertising etc in the programme , so any way to cut corners and save costs.

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