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The Celtic Tiger – it’s not going down without a fight December 16, 2007

Posted by joemomma in Class, Culture, Economy.

Today most of the buses in Dublin seemed to be carrying ads for the web site chandelier.ie. A nice simple card on the back of each bus, featuring the web address, a blinging chandelier and the slogan: “Your home is worth it”.


I wouldn’t have lost my monocle If I’d encountered this ad in my quarterly copy of Wealth magazine, but there was something about seeing it on the back of a Dublin Bus that made me go hmmmm. I couldn’t help but imagine my fellow Dubliners seeing the ad and deciding that a great big chandelier was just the thing to complete their domestic bliss and stave off the negative equity blues.

Neither could I fight the feeling that I was looking at an ad campaign from much earlier in the century. A more innocent, pre-credit-crunch age of conspicuous consumption. Is this campaign just an expression of naive optimism on the part of the crystal-mongers, or are we really still living through the Celtic Tiger years?

I arrived home in a state of rare confusion and had to have a long soak in my Arctic Spa hot tub to calm myself down.


1. WorldbyStorm - December 16, 2007

It’s all going very bling, isn’t it?


2. Pidge - December 16, 2007

WBS, you now officially sound like an old man.


3. sonofstan - December 16, 2007

WBS, you now officially sound like an old man.

There’s worse things, as Adorno knew:

Even the faded, inconsequential and self-doubting Spirit [Geist] of the elders is more approachable than the quick-witted stupidity of junior. Even the neurotic peculiarities and malformations of the older adults represent character, that which is humanly achieved, compared with pathic health, infantilism raised to a norm. One realizes in horror that when one previously clashed with one’s parents, because they represented the world, one was secretly the mouthpiece of a still worse world against the merely bad.

I’ve been haunted by that last sentence since i first read it


4. tosser - December 17, 2007

That’s you told, Pidge. p\/\/n3d by Adorno lol!!!!!11 😛


5. Pidge - December 17, 2007



6. WorldbyStorm - December 17, 2007

Sad but true, Pidge, what you say…sad but true.

You too though sonofstan… which is consoling 🙂


7. joemomma - September 25, 2008

I knew I was on to something. On the day that we officially slip into recession, the Irish Times reports that “Tipperary Crystal says it is having its best year ever, and it’s all down to our insatiable appetite for chandeliers.”


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