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New Year Messages from the Left January 8, 2011

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Irish Politics, The Left.

Any others please link in comments and with luck one or other of us here will post up an excerpt and link…

We start with an excerpt from the Workers’ Party. The full text can be found here.

Party enters New Year with ever stronger determination to oppose capitalism in all its forms

The year 2010 will forever be remembered in the Republic Ireland as the year in which our national sovereignty was ceded to the European Union / IMF and the rights of the Irish people were set aside in the interests of international capitalism and the financial, business and banking elites who have used the economic crisis to tighten their hegemonic control over the world.
As we say goodbye to 2010, we in the Workers’ Party of Ireland face into 2011 with an ever stronger determination to oppose capitalism in all its forms and expose it and its crimes in every way possible.
The past year has seen ever more punitive austerity measures taken against ordinary Irish working people and their families.  The working class are being made to pay for capitalism’s crisis and we now have almost 450,000 people unemployed in the Irish Republic.  Added to that has been the return of emigration with tens of thousands of Irish people, most of them educated and talented young people, forced to travel abroad to find work in countries far from home and each of which has their own employment problems.  The current government of Fianna Fáil and the Green Party with the remnants of the ultra-right wing Progressive Democrats has presided over wholesale cuts in public services with vicious measures being taken in the areas of healthcare, education and local government.



And here is the Communist Party of Ireland’s statement in full.

Make 2011 the year of resistance!
New Year Message of the Communist Party of Ireland

Comrades and compatriots,
Let us make 2011 the year of struggle and resistance. Let us build the forces that will defeat the arbitrary rule and diktat of the European Union and International Monetary Fund. Let us begin to reclaim the destiny of our country and that of future generations from the grip of monopoly capitalism and from domination by imperialism.
Lets us turn 2011 into a year of hope and resistance, of ending the despair and fatalism and the economic chaos that the establishment have plunged our country into. There is an alternative to the rule of international bankers and transnational corporations, to the self-serving, greed-driven gombeenism of the establishment parties.
We can draw inspiration from the struggles of our ancestors, who, against all the odds, dared to dream of a better future, who aspired to having greater control over their lives, who wanted their children to grow with them and to share this common land of ours, not having to see them take the boat or plane to another place to find work and establish a future for themselves.
The future of our people lies in the building of a socialist Ireland, an all-Ireland community of solidarity and co-operation among our people—an Ireland in which the wealth is owned and shared by the people. Let us make 2011 the first step in the building of a new Ireland. Let us begin to fulfill the legacy of Tone, Larkin, Markievicz, Connolly, and Pearse. A better Ireland can be built, by our actions today and tomorrow.


1. Fight the cuts - January 8, 2011
LeftAtTheCross - January 8, 2011

Good statement.


2. Vladimir Lenihan - January 8, 2011
LeftAtTheCross - January 8, 2011

Heavy vibe there of using socio-economic issues as a vehicle to raise support for opposition to the British occupation. Or am I just reading it through WP-tinged glasses?


3. Vladimir Lenihan - January 9, 2011

That’ll be the WP-tinged glasses. You’ld wanna get some new ones. They don’t read too well 


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