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Workers’ Party Bodenstown Speech, 2010 July 7, 2010

Posted by WorldbyStorm in European Politics, Irish Politics, Northern Ireland, The Left.

This seems appropriate given the debate over here… thanks to those who forwarded it to the CLR. Here’s the SF Bodenstown speech on the very interesting An Phoblacht online site – of which more later…

Oration by Valerie Hayes, member of Central Executive Committee / Ard Comhairle of the Workers’ Party at the annual Theobald Wolfe Tone commemoration in Bodenstown, Co. Kildare on Sunday 4th July 2010

WP Ard Comhairle member Valerie Hayes
Valerie Hayes at Bodenstown

Comrades and friends,

When we gather here to commemorate the life and ideals of Wolfe Tone and the United Irishmen, we also celebrate the entire radical, republican, and socialist tradition from which our party has sprung.

When we look at those who inspire us individually and as a movement they all have certain things in common. From Tone to Cathal Goulding and Tomás Mac Giolla; from Paine to Martin Luther King the people who inspire us as socialists all had fire in their bellies, all had a willingness to step forward and be in the forefront no matter what the danger to themselves; and all shared a deep love of humanity.

But these men and women over the last two centuries shared one other common feature from which we must learn. We must learn from their power to analyse, their power and willingness to identify the guilty in society no matter how great or how powerful. We must learn from their power to propagandise – using every method available in their time. But above all else we must learn that these people offered solutions, practical solutions; solutions that cut through the guff, solutions that made sense to the working man, the peasant, the tenant, the landless labourer. And because they offered solutions which made sense, they offered hope. They provided inspiration and leadership and built their movements from that solid basis.

We must therefore learn that it is not enough to analyse, it is not enough to criticise – we too must provide solutions and offer hope.

This major crisis of capitalism is now in its third year. It is the most devastating crisis that most of us have ever experienced. The myth of the “Market knows best” is a busted flush. Capitalism is built on greed, on avarice, on private accumulation and it was the working of these processes at full tilt that has caused this massive crisis. There is no doubt that certain companies took greed, recklessness and financial stupidity to extremes but it was not these marginal figures that caused the crisis. It was the very nature of the system itself.

But capitalism is fighting back. It has mobilised all its forces – media, academia, financial, political and in places even military – to stabilise, refocus, and maintain its dominance. Our challenge is not only to stop capitalism reorganising but also to seize this unique opportunity to actually overthrow capitalism and replace it with socialism.

We know we are not strong enough as a party to achieve this objective here in Ireland. We know that none of the other left parties are strong enough individually to achieve this objective. Indeed collectively the principled left, even acting in full cooperation are still too weak to achieve our objective. Therefore we must seek unity across a wider left spectrum that includes Social Democracy. At this time, therefore, a huge responsibility rests on the Labour Party and the Trade Union movement.

Presently Labour is riding high in the opinion polls. After the gangster years of the Celtic Tiger, Fianna Fáil’s support is imploding. But Fine Gael, despite achieving a remarkable resurgence, is not achieving a clear poll-topping position. Labour is therefore at a cross-roads and we have reiterated time and again over the last few years our desire to see them walk away from the political cul-de-sac of right wing coalition.

On the 12th May last, the anniversary of Connolly’s execution, we said: “Connolly’s teachings are as relevant today as when he was alive. His socialism is ageless and we as socialists and trade unionists must strive to ensure that his legacy is kept alive in Ireland today and in the future. Connolly would never have accepted the dictum from the bourgeoisie that “labour must wait”. Labour has waited in vain for 90 years. Now, as capitalism is in deep crisis, the Left has the opportunity to fulfil Connolly’s dream. We call on the entire Left in Ireland, including the Labour Party and the ICTU, to come together to sweep this inept government out of the Oireachtas and, for the first time in our history, install a left-led administration”

In mid-June we said: “The poll presents the Labour Party with a unique opportunity but it is an opportunity that won’t be repeated if Labour fails to deliver on what it promises.

The continuing collapse of support for Fianna Fáil shows that the present government has lost its mandate to continue in power. The refusal of the electorate to transfer their support to Fine Gael shows that for the first time in three generations there is a chance to bury Civil War politics and create a genuine left-right alignment in Ireland. However, what the country does not need is the type of Blair-Brown New Labour politics which Britain has just rejected after 13 years of disappointment, failure and outright cynicism”.

If Labour under Gilmore are prepared to walk away from the poisoned embrace of Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil they now have the chance to build a Labour-led Left coalition with a genuine chance of forming the next government. We ask Eamon Gilmore to commit to such a policy. If Gilmore is not prepared to commit to such a policy then, no matter how he wraps it in media spin, he is selling the same failed policy of Norton, Corish and O’Leary”.

To the Labour leader we reiterate the simple question, as first posed in that great miners’ song by Florence Reece: “Which side are you on Eamon, which side are you on?”

For an entire generation, as different speakers have stood on this podium and addressed themselves to the problems in Northern Ireland the pall of one particularly foul deed continued to hang in the air. It is 38 years since the British Army, in cold blood and without provocation, murdered 14 people on the streets of Derry as they marched for an end to Internment without Trial. This was murder most blatant but the truth was denied by the authorities and the truth was attempted to be airbrushed away by the infamous Whigery Inquiry.

We welcome the report of the Saville Inquiry. Yes, we know it took too long and cost too much, but we welcome the clear language which he uses and the absolutely unambiguous conclusions which he draws. Bloody Sunday was a disaster on so many fronts. For those who died, and for their immediate and extended families we can all see and appreciate the horror of the situation. To have the truth denied for almost forty years only added to that horror.

It is in the broader context of Northern Irish politics that the real disaster lay. Bloody Sunday occured just six months after internment had been introduced. If internment had enraged the catholic population and alienated them from politics, then Bloody Sunday drove them straight into the arms of the waiting Provisional IRA. For thirty years it was a potent recruitment agent for nationalist militarism and fed the cycle of murder and mayhem which we have analysed and criticised from this platform and elsewhere over that dark period.

But Northern Ireland has moved on. There is a new situation. The gunmen have put away their guns and we have a devolved Assembly sitting at Stormont. Sinn Féin and the DUP are holding hands around the cabinet table and the full range of powers which were agreed to be devolved have been devolved. In 10 months’ time there will be elections for a new Assembly.

It is helpful in analysing this situation to look at the slogan which we adopted more than 25 years ago. Our slogan then, as now, was: Peace, Work, Democracy, and Class Politics. This slogan was not a la carte. Everything was interlinked. We wanted peace and a democratic devolved Assembly as democratic objectives in their own right. We knew, and always stated clearly, that a local Assembly would not, just by its existence, transform people’s lives and Northern Ireland’s society. It was and is self-evident that right-wing parties will follow a similar policy whether they are in Belfast or Berlin, London or Limavady. We know that it is only when a Parliament is sitting in Northern Ireland, debating the bread and butter issues of Northern Ireland, and making decisions that impact directly on the people of Northern Ireland that the possibility of real politics – class politics – exists.

Looking at our slogan, and at the policies we adopted, we can safely say we were largely correct in our analysis and even congratulate ourselves on this fact. But self-congratulation will not build class-politics, will not revitalise and rebuild the Workers’ Party. To stabilise and build our party we need to analyse the present, we need to build a programme for the future, and transmit that to the people. We need to dissect the Reaganite policies going through Stormont – on health, on local government, on service charges, on the destruction of industry and the sell-out of agriculture, and expose it. We need to develop our own policies – on jobs, on education, on transport, on tourism, on policing, and on every other aspect of life in Northern Ireland. We need to get out, on the street corners, in the housing estates, at public meetings which we organise, and sell our message.

The widespread distribution of Look Left in Belfast, which I know is happening at the present time, is a welcome step in this direction. As we said, Assembly elections will be held in ten months. If we are to meaningfully contest these vital elections, we must do it in a full-blooded way – with proper planning, strategy, building our teams, developing our programme of work. Above all, and at all times, we must be involved with the people. For Northern Ireland it is simple. To see what Peace without Class Politics Looks like – all that has to be done is look across the border.

It will not have gone unnoticed by this audience that the Celtic Tiger illusion has well and truly vanished and we have been in a massive recession for the last two years. The empty factories, the derelict building sites, the boarded up shops, the return of the boat-train are all public indicators of this deep recession – this crisis of capitalism. The economists, the media apologists, the propagandists have all scurried around trying to find a scapegoat for the crisis and hoping for some sort of Wall Street miracle to do what King Canute failed to do – turn an incoming tide. And only the other day the economists claimed they had seen the miracle and they proclaimed – the recession is over! Exactly who do they think they are fooling???

As this gang of economists was telling a disbelieving populace that the recession was over, the Central Statistics Office was telling us that unemployment was rising – that it had now reached more than 450,000. All indications are that unemployment will continue to rise – even the economists agree. Are we being asked to believe that the economy is getting better when people’s lives are getting worse? Are we being asked to believe that factory closures, low pay, slashed benefits, unaffordable hospitals, and rising youth emigration are the indicators of an improving economy? Because if these are truly the signs then I, for one, do not want to live in such a society.

450,000 people signing-on know the reality of this economy. Hundreds of thousands of others hanging on to their jobs by their fingernails know the truth about this economy. Workers, especially women workers in the service sector, in part-time and temporary work who face daily uncertainty, reduced wages and worsening conditions know the reality of this economy. It is easy to analyse the situation, to identify the thieves, the robbers, the fat cats, and the corrupt. Families eking out an existence on Social Welfare benefit or women trying to feed and clothe a family on Social Assistance don’t need confirmation of their condition; don’t need a list of missing billionaires who should face trial; don’t need a litany of the lost opportunities of the decade 1995 – 2005.

What people need to see are policies they can understand, in clear language, in a format they understand and can access. When we correctly state that our Natural Resources could revitalise our economy we must put flesh on those bones. We must explain that our oil and gas resources can offer fuel security, can offer export income, can be the basis of a vast array of petrochemical industries. A huge resource – which is now destined to line the pockets of international firms like Shell, Statoil and BP – could and should be ours for the benefit of all the people.

No sane person, least of all us, wants the construction industry to return to the cowboy days of the last decade. We don’t need any more hotels, ghost estates or outer suburban retail parks. What we do need is infrastructure, local authority housing, and upgraded environmental standards amongst other things. There is no shortage of labour for these tasks – indeed tens of thousands of construction workers are languishing on the dole. The cry of course from the establishment is that there is no money. Untrue. There is money – it is just not in plain sight. Each year hundreds of millions of Euro is handed over to private landlords by Local Authorities to provide social housing. By stealth, social housing has been privatised. If this massive transfer to private landlords was ended then there would be oodles of money for long-term, sustainable, good quality Local Authority housing which would actually be a social asset rather that a constant debit on the balance sheet.

What we have outlined above are simple things, practical things, sensible proposals that everybody can understand. There are hundreds of other areas where we need to propose equally simple, straightforward and innovative proposals which both make sense to people and give hope to people. This is a task where everybody must be involved – because the experience of a member or supporter in the retail sector is clearly different than somebody in the construction or education sector. We need policies for every sector and that can only happen when our people in every sector get together to bring forward proposals.

In this economic climate, no matter what proposal is brought forward there is one massive cloud which overhangs everything – our banks. The amount of money which the banks have taken from the public purse and from the public’s savings is almost beyond comprehension.

Anglo Irish Bank, a minnow even by Irish standards, has already eaten up twenty two thousand million – THAT IS 22 BILLION – Euro of our money. Our Money. And according to Alan Dukes, that failed politician and new Chairman of the Board of Anglo, we have no chance of getting a red cent back. We may even be asked for more and should be willing to pay up. Anybody who witnessed his performance at the Oireachtas sub-committee will have noted the sheer arrogance of the man and his brazen assertion that we owe this money to the banks. I am reminded here of Thomas Paine in his attack on the arch-royalist Edmund Burke during the French revolution. Mr Burke, said Paine “has taken up a contemptible opinion of mankind, who, in their turn, are taking up the same of him”. How equally true now, on both counts, of Mr Dukes.

The Irish people owe the banks nothing. The Irish people owe developers and builders nothing. The Irish people owe international bond holders absolutely nothing. Yet we have been landed with a bill of about £80 billion – let me repeat, Eighty thousand million Euro – for this triumvirate of powerful vested interests. The debt should be the other way about. For years we have been robbed by the banks. From the start of the mohair-suit brigade fifty years ago we have documented the robbery and fraud perpetrated by developers. We are still being robbed by the international markets. Even as they have their hand out for compensation for Anglo they are undermining our economy, robbing us on the international money markets, forcing sovereign nations like Greece, Iceland and possibly Portugal as well as the Irish state to the brink of bankruptcy. Bankers or speculators give no loyalty to any person or any state. As their motivation is greed, their only loyalty is to profit at any cost.

We again state, as we have consistently over many years, that the banks must be nationalised, and rationalised, to provide a solid basis for a solid and sustainable economy and society. There is now a new audience for this simple message. As we stated earlier the myth of the superiority of the market has been broken. But a new myth is being hatched to take its place.

This new myth is that we are all responsible for this crisis – we are all in it together. We know that this myth is rubbish but it is being pushed relentlessly by the vested interests and by their hacks and serfs not only in the media but also in Civil Society. We must not allow victims of this crisis be labelled as perpetrators of the crisis. The family who bought a grossly overpriced first house are victims not criminals. The family that bought two cars on credit because they now live in a county they only ever previously visited on long-distance holiday are victims not criminals. The patient on a hospital trolley, the school child with special needs, the social welfare recipient – all are our fellow citizens who should be defended by the state, not robbed by the state. They are being robbed because the state apparatus and the EU are hiding behind the twin shields of “We are all in this together” and “there is no alternative”. They are 100% wrong on both counts. There is no “we”, there is no collective responsibility. There is a simple divide between them and us, the guilty and the innocent, the perpetrators and the victims. And as we have demonstrated, most recently at the 2010 Ard Fheis, There IS AN Alternative – and we will bring it before the people.

Comrades, before we leave this place, the burial place of the Internationalist Wolfe Tone, and a place of central importance for our late comrade Tomás Mac Giolla for all his political life, we must look beyond our own borders at the wider international struggle. Tomás had a passionate interest in the struggle of the Palestinian people, a passion which is shared by all of us here. There are many peoples who are oppressed and many struggles which we support but we cannot leave here today without again reiterating our support for the Palestinian people, and for the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

We salute the people of Palestine and particularly the people of Gaza who have been subjected to a brutal occupation and now to a genocidal blockade. When the international aid flotilla set sail for Gaza we offered them our support and now, sadly we must offer them our condolences for the nine peace activists murdered in cold blood in international waters by the Israeli Defence Forces under the direct command of the Israeli cabinet. It was a crime of international piracy verging on an international war-crime. Sadly it is unlikely that those guilty of this crime will even be brought to justice because in the final analysis they have the shelter and support of the USA. The continuing hypocrisy of the US in their Middle East policy as they viciously pressurise Turkey to simply sweep the murder of nine innocent people under the carpet of history and allow Israeli military planes overfly their country, is breathtaking.

US double standards, not least in the State Department, should not of course surprise our party. The State department has used every judicial trick to prevent the extradition of mass-murderer, international terrorist, and former CIA operative Luis Carriles Posada to either Cuba or Venezuela for plane-hijacking and the murder of 76 innocent civilians. Yet simultaneously they relentlessly pursue Seán Garland, an entirely innocent man, a man who spent the last 40 years trying to create peace on this island. It is now almost five years since the US secret service launched their judicial smash and grab attempt in Belfast in October 2005 in conjunction with MI5. Following the failure of that attempt they re-launched their attack on Seán in January 2009. Not only did he spend almost a month in Jail, but he has since been dragged in and out of the High Court like a yoyo. It is unjust. It is unfair. It must end. AS we leave here today we recommit ourselves to ensure “Seán Garland will NOT be extradited”, and furthermore the slur and the attacks upon the man and his character and his politics will be repudiated.

A chairde, míle buíochas, agus Slán Abhaile.


1. EamonnDublin - July 7, 2010

“We call on the entire Left in Ireland, including the Labour Party and the ICTU, to come together to sweep this inept government out of the Oireachtas and, for the first time in our history, install a left-led administration”

Labour & ICTU – Hardly Left ? Both of these institutions are just waiting to lie down with FF or FG for a seat at the top table. ICTU have rolled over and agreed to the penalisation of workers for the actions of the golden circle. Labour will not roll back on any of these policies and of late, don’t seem to have any policies of their own.


LeftAtTheCross - July 7, 2010

There’s maybe an implicit suggestion to what passes for social democracy in this state that it should either piss or get off the pot as it were.

On the apparent (and possibly real) lack of policies, I would imagine that the LP are trying very hard at the moment not to put a foot wrong in the public eye, and allow the government to do the electioneering for them by proxy. That might be their priority, and who would blame them, given the rules of the game which they’re playing.

Not trying to be an apologist for the LP here by the way.


Garibaldy - July 7, 2010

I think LATC is probably right, that there is a large element of trying to avoid saying anything that might alienate anybody. I do think, however, that it is right to try and influence their policy and call on them to move towards the left. Same with the trade unions.


WorldbyStorm - July 7, 2010

I’d certainly agree with LATC, that it’s a case of trying to push leftish forces to act left. For want of a better term.


EamonnDublin - July 8, 2010

I understand Labours’ position. No policies are worth standing over when the grail is so close.They are hungry for power and do not want to lose votes. However, we have never had a Labour government (coalition) or a trade union leadership in this country that was not subservient to the capitalist class. Constant calls for the leadership to become part of those ‘politically left’ is futile. Ancient leftie calls to ‘ trade unions take a stand’ or ‘reclaim the leadership’ have always fell on deaf ears. he sad thing about Labours’ surge in the polls is that it is most likely the public service ex-Fianna Fail vote deserting Cowen. If Fianna Fail manages to hold on for two more years and then delivers a ‘ friendly’ budget, will they return. Its not too long since 40% of voters chose Fianna Fail. Labour are also in benefit to the dislike many voters have of Kenny. Gilmore is seen as a better option especially by those ex-FF voters who know that when in power , FG will be no different than FF. Just look at the UK where the coalition now have free reign to impliment savage cuts using the excuse of the previous administration.
Currently, with the miniscule left and with anemic Labour/SF/Green parties without politics, we are doomed to the cycle of centre right governments.


Garibaldy - July 8, 2010

There’s a lot in what you say I think Eamonn, although I think that part of the reason for calling on social democrats to act like it is aimed at much at the membership as the leadership. The principled left needs to find a way to reach out beyond the constituency it currently has. Part of that involves getting involved in conversations with others who see themselves as on the left it seems to me.


EamonnDublin - July 8, 2010

I agree we need to expand our focus but I feel we need to engage with people and not leadership. I am sad to say I believe we live in a very conservative society and our work is therefore greater. My concerns are that the Labour party ( including its large middle class membership ) pander to those conservative elements. Sinn Fein also try to follow the voters instead of offering genuine alternatives. Give the socialist party their due, they may remain small but they continue to be consistent in their arguments. Although I fundamentally disagree with the WP over their years of anti-republican bile, I felt they have also maintained a principled position on other matters. I think that elements of the left ( and not the loonies ) could make common cause , strengten their position and then, and only then, seek to persuade the members/supporters of the LP, GP & SF to work together for a progressive left alternative. When I say make common cause I mean politically and policy wise. I don’t think endless marches to the Dail by the same 900 lefties has any resonance with the public at large. We should be perhaps working/marching/campaigning in our communities instead of paper selling ( to each other) outside the Dail. At times thats nothing more than a mickey measuring exercise.
Nothing is going to be easy and when we are now in the middle of attacks against working people, senior citizens and other vunnurable sections of society without any real responce from the majority of people, you know our task is uphill.


Garibaldy - July 8, 2010

Again, Eamonn, I find myself agreeing with the vast majority of what you’re saying. I think there are moves, especially in the north with next year’s elections and water charges in mind, to increase cooperation, but I’d be worried that if we waited for the principled left to get together and iron out the inevitable hiccups, then we might lose focus on reaching out beyond what we have. One of the main ways I think we need to strengthen our position is to reinsert serious left politics as far as possible in mainstream public debate, and we can only do that by talking to as many people as possible.


Ghandi - July 8, 2010

It’s a strange times indeed that I find myself broadly in agreement with EamonnDublin, I think that we all recognise what he is saying and that their is a lessening value in recurrent marches. The question is how do we articulate our message in a way that people see as relevant and also how do we move beyong people agreeing with our agruments but still supporting the establishment.?


Budapestkick - July 7, 2010

Yeah, I was actually there for the speech (as an observer). The WP analysis is correct in identifying the fact that left unity (described by the WP as the principled left), while necessary, would still only result in a number of small groupings coming together to create a slightly less small grouping. Where I’d differ from them on the issue, is that I would say that the key constituency for a new formation of the left is the hundreds and thousands of people who are being politicised by the crisis, and that they would be the decisive factor is turning such a formation into something significant. The WP identify the (largely theoretical) Labour left and the ICTU bureaucrats rather than those not yet active in a party political sense as this consituency, which I feel is deeply flawed.

Other than that though, I would say that the WP’s attitude towards the rest of the left is quite positive and non-sectarian and this is reflected in their magazine. However, there are problems. Number one would be the arse-licking Jack O’Connor interview two months ago, which demonstrated the flaws of looking to ICTU bureaucrats as a left force and was rendered absurd when WP speakers on May Day were attacking O’Connor with the scorn he rightly deserved. This for me raises an issue with their publications. While Look Left is generally quite a good publication, it severely limits the WP’s ability to have an independent political voice. For example, the emphasis in Look Left on Left Unity means that criticism of other groups is close to impossible. But the WP can and should be critical of other organisations without descending into sectarianism. If there are any WP people reading this can I ask if a more WP-lined centred publication is in the works?


Garibaldy - July 7, 2010


I think that the start of the speech where it talks about using technology to propagandise, to offer solutions and hope as well as building their movements is talking about reaching out to those currently not politically active. At the same time, it’s a recognition that as things stand, people seem to be turning to social democrats, and that we should encourage them to actually be social democrats at the least.

I don’t think that the WP shares the tradition of mounting polemics against other left groups in the same way that some other parties in Ireland do. I could be wrong, but I can’t think off the top of my head of a WP pamphlet dedicated to analysisng the position of another left party. Not to say that it hasn’t criticised others, especially in regards to the north, and where we consider it appropriate we continue to do so. Look Left doesn’t stop that, nor should it. But at the current point in time, there are much bigger fish to fry than criticising the positions of other left groups, especially when the exercise of power and responsibility for decisions is most often not in their hands.

We get our message out through press coverage where possible, the website, and a broad range of pamphlets. One of the things identified in the Ard Fheis documents was the need for developing publications, including a more theoretical journal than Look Left.


2. Paul Doran - July 7, 2010

Anyone going to tackle that disgraceful article by Reville in the Irish Times lask week whereby he is trying to lik communism with fascism
this link is being developed throughtout Europe lately.It is a prelude of what is to come from the right wing bigots and thier apptempt to re-write history.


WorldbyStorm - July 7, 2010

Yes, me, tomorrow! 🙂


3. Garibaldy - July 7, 2010

Paul, if that’s the article about science that EWI pointed to in the comments here, then I believe so.


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