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It’s Micheál Martin and a new Golden era dawns for Fianna Fáil… Or most likely not. January 26, 2011

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Economy, Irish Politics.

All the details here…

A safe choice, and probably sensible given what they’re about to face into. Though I couldn’t help thinking as I saw the photo on the IT piece linked above, ‘what are you smiling about, Martin?’.

Here he is facing into the potential for electoral collapse on a scale never seen before by Fianna Fáil. Not exactly cheery days. Still, if he can claw back crucial percentages over what Cowen would have delivered – a task that would seem to be close enough to a no-brainer – that will be a score or so of FF TDs who will have him to thank for still being in the Oireachtas.

As for any mild, let alone fundamental, shift in the ideological trajectory of FF. Doubtful.


1. Starkadder - January 26, 2011

When I heard about the decision to make Martin the
new leader, I was reminded of a line from the
TV show “Fringe” :

“You can’t tell me you think this is a good idea.”

“No, I don’t think that this is a good idea. You
got a better one?” 😉


WorldbyStorm - January 26, 2011

Brilliant. BTW, I’m about to start working my way through Fringe, what do you think. Any good?


Starkadder - January 26, 2011

The first season is a bit patchy, but it really picks up in the second season. And I’m not exaggerating when I say John Noble (Return of the King, All Saints, 24) is one the most talented actors currently working in TV. Probably second only to “The Walking Dead” as the best US sci-fi show currently airing.

The io9 site have a list of key “Fringe” episodes for newcomers :

http: //io9.com/5652372/want-to-get-into-fringe-these-are-the-episodes-you-need-to-watch


WorldbyStorm - January 26, 2011

Thanks a million. I’m working through Mad Men and erm… Blakes 7… nostalgia. I stalled on Dollhouse early in Season Two, but I’m also starting onto the last season of The Thick of It. Got th loan of Fringe, looks good.


2. Mark P - January 26, 2011

Only thing of interest really is the low vote Lenihan got. Coming third behind O’Cuiv is a pretty poor show.


WorldbyStorm - January 26, 2011

That is odd, though I heard today from someone closer to these matters than me or you that Cowens camp had thrown their weight behind him.


DC - January 26, 2011

Just goes to show the weight Cowen still commands in the party…! I cant imagine theres muxh ideological difference between Martin and O Cuiv, I suppose it was as much a vote against Hanafin and Lenihan being too clever by half in recent months


WorldbyStorm - January 26, 2011

I think that’s it exactly. Too clever by half.


3. sonofstan - January 26, 2011

Expect a resignation on grounds of ill- health quite soon into the new Dail from Lenny (assuming he’s elected) – with no chance of being leader, and no prospect of a ministry in the immediate future, he won’t hang around.


Starkadder - January 26, 2011

Probably. If his health permits it, Lenihan could
always get another law-related job, or try his hand at political journalism.


WorldbyStorm - January 26, 2011

The future Noel Whelan.


CMK - January 26, 2011

He’s not thick enough.


4. Tweets that mention It’s Micheál Martin and a new Golden era dawns for Fianna Fáil… Or most likely not. « The Cedar Lounge Revolution -- Topsy.com - January 26, 2011

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bosca, Cedar Lounge Revol. Cedar Lounge Revol said: It’s Micheál Martin and a new Golden era dawns for Fianna Fáil… Or most likely not.: All the details here… A saf… http://bit.ly/h6sgCh […]


5. irishelectionliterature - January 27, 2011

An Email sent by Micheál Martin to all those signed up to the Fianna Fail Newsletter…

Last night, the Fianna Fáil Árd Chomhairle did me the honour of electing me Úachtarán Fhianna Fáil.

This Party has a unique and positive role to play in our country’s future. Under my leadership, Fianna Fáil will be clear in its approach to the urgent issues of today and in the path it proposes for the future. With the right policies Ireland can and will come through this crisis.

At these difficult times, our country needs an election which is as serious as the issues we must tackle. This can only happen if the leaders of the parties show a real commitment to moving away from political business as usual.

I will be initiating a full national tour in order to take our message to every part of the country. To you, our supporters, I ask you to work to ensure that Fianna Fáil candidates are elected in this, one of the most important election campaigns in our nation’s history.

I know the task ahead will not be easy.

But I have never shrunk from difficult decisions before, and I promise you that we will meet this challenge with a campaign as vigorous and full of ideas as any Fianna Fáil has ever waged.

Ar aghaidh le Fianna Fáil.


Micheál Martin TD.
Úachtarán Fhianna Fáil


6. Eoin O'Mahony - January 27, 2011

I look at that picture and think, what is Leni grinning at?


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