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Noel Cullen RIP. May 28, 2012

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Irish Politics, The Left.

Very sad to report the news of the death of Noel Cullen, otherwise known to many of you as ‘Hal’ in comments on the CLR over the years.

Always a sound and sensible voice he was a long time member of the WP (and originally a member of the IDYM). His funeral is on Tuesday from Fanagans Funeral Home, Church Street, Finglas at 12 to the crematorium in Glasnevin.

Our sympathies to his family and comrades.

[many thanks to LATC for providing the link to the WP site’s tribute to Noel]


1. Mick Hall - May 28, 2012

I am sorry to hear about this as I always thought his comments were informative, my sympathies to his family and friends.


2. Jp Finlay - May 28, 2012

Very sad to losse such a WOUNDERFUL man ,always full of words of wisdom,My deep sympathies are with his family at this time,


3. Mark P - May 28, 2012

Sad to hear. Condolences to his friends and family.


4. LeftAtTheCross - May 28, 2012

The WP have posted a notice on the party website here:


Stalwart comrade with many years of loyal service to his class and to the Workers’ Party.

The death occured on Saturday last, 26th May of Comrade Noel Cullen of Finglas, Dublin. Aged 52, Noel had been battling with illness for some time. He was a loyal member of the Workers’ Party since his youth.

On behalf of the Ard Comhairle of the Workers’ Party, General Secretary John Lowry expressed his sadness at the passing of Comrade Noel Cullen and sincere condolences to Noel’s family on his sad passing at an early age.

Noel was a native of McKelvey Road, Finglas and joined Na Fianna Éireann while still in his teens. He took part in its transformation into the Irish Democratic Youth Movement and eventually into Workers Party Youth. He was an active and stalwart member of the Workers Party in Finglas and later in Blanchardstown and remained loyal to the party to the end. Noel was well known to members of the party all over the country and participated in party activity from Belfast to Cork.

Noel’s funeral will take place tomorrow (Tuesday 29th May). Assemble Fanagan’s Funeral Home, Finglas Road at 12.00 Noon and proceeding to Glasnevin Crematorium for 1.00pm.

Lovely guy, really really sound. I only discovered he was ‘HAL’ talking to him at a party meeting in Dublin earlier this year, the name coming from what he said was his favourite film “2001: A Space Odyssey”. I had been meaning to give him a lend of the Tarkovsky film “Solaris”, but hadn’t seen him since then.

RIP Noel.


5. WorldbyStorm - May 28, 2012

I went back through comments. He had a mischievous and dry sense of humour. That’ll be missed.


EamonnCork - May 28, 2012

Very sorry to hear about this. I didn’t know the man but greatly enjoyed his contributions to the CLR.


6. Paul Wilson - May 29, 2012

RIP My sympathy to his family, friends and comrades.


7. Marxman - May 29, 2012

Very saddened to learn of the death of Noel, a gentle, witty and kind man but also a humanist and committed socialist. I offer my heartfelt condolences to his family from all of his friends and comrades in Belfast. Farewell my friend.


8. Joe - May 29, 2012

I only knew Noel as Hal on here. Very sad to hear that he died. 52 is too young. Farewell comrade.


9. EWI - May 30, 2012

Very sorry to hear this. RIP.


10. Garibaldy - May 30, 2012

I was very sad to hear this. Couldn’t make the funeral, but I hear it was a fitting send off for a dedicated socialist and a good man.


11. LeftAtTheCross - June 2, 2012

Just adding a pointer to the oration given by Seán Garland in Noel’s memory at Glasnevin crematorium.



To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends.
to appreciate beauty;
to find the best in others;
to leave the world a bit better
whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived
this is to have succeeded.

There’s not much any of us might ask for more that that.


12. THE WORKERS’ PARTY OF IRELAND Oration by Sean Garland at funeral of Comrade Noel Cullen « seachranaidhe1 - June 2, 2012

[…] Noel Cullen RIP. (cedarlounge.wordpress.com) […]


13. Hal Jr - November 12, 2012

Just seen this tribute to dad now, thank you all very much


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