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And seeing as it’s all about birthdays at this time of year… December 24, 2012

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Culture.

…how about many happy returns to Ian Fraser “Lemmy” Kilmister …who turns 67 today.


1. Captain Moonlight - December 25, 2012

Yeah man let’s hear it for lemmy.


2. EamonnCork - December 29, 2012

Wrong thread I know but I can’t find the right one. RIP Gerry Anderson who shaped the imaginations of a generation. Great, great popular entertainer.


3. EamonnCork - December 29, 2012

Also RIP the great Fontella Bass singing here on this fantastic Art Ensemble of Chicago track.


EamonnCork - December 29, 2012

The first time I heard the above was on a radio programme hosted by dudes from The Wire. There were another couple of songs on it which blew my mind and expanded my ideas of what the voice can do. I think they’d do anyone’s soul good on this stormy winter morning.


4. Lest we forget… « The Cedar Lounge Revolution - December 29, 2012

[…] makes the point that there’s no thread for those who died this year. And as he notes Gerry Anderson who was a […]


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