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Mrs. T.M. Kettle and the Irish Nationalist Veterans Association boycott of the 1919 British victory parade in Dublin. July 7, 2014

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Irish History.

Brian Hanley notes that ‘Nationalist intellectual and former MP Tom Kettle was killed while serving with the Royal Dublin Fusiliers at the Somme in 1916. He is often quoted as an example of the Irish nationalist commitment to the British war effort in WW1. Less well known are the comments of his widow at this rally of the Irish Nationalist Veterans Association in July 1919. The INVA boycotted the official British victory parade in Dublin.’



1. Eagle - July 7, 2014

That is really interesting. So many really believed they were fighting for Ireland.

I’d love to know if they stopped Mrs Kettle’s widow’s pension as a result of her public stance.

I also find their regard for General French and his “Irishness” interesting.


Eagle - July 7, 2014

Do you know what publication that article appeared in?


2. Brian Hanley - July 7, 2014

The Irish Independent, 17 July 1919.


3. Jim Monaghan - July 8, 2014

This ties in with a point I used to make. Britain never decided to raise a counter revolutionary force in Nationalist Ireland. They figured that armed “Home Rulers” would ally with the IRA. My proof. The dog that did not bark.


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